Boat and The Amazing Sky


foto ini saya abadikan saat pagi hari tepat saat matahari terbit, cahaya yang indah dengan beragam spektrum berimbas pada awan hingga berwarna - warni dan bertekstur seperti lukisan, perahu nelayan yang tertampat di tepi pantai menambah ragam objek yang dapat kita padukan kedalam foto.
demikian, semoga berkenan

I capture this photograph in the morning just at sunrise, a beautiful light with a spectrum of cloud-colored and colorful textures like a painting, a fishing boat nestled on the shore adds to the variety of objects we can mix into the photo.
so, hopefully pleasing

Details of shoot
Catagory: goldenhourphotography
Apreture : f /2.0
ISO : 100
speed : 1/360No Flash
lens : 3.75 mm
Camera : Xiaomi Redminote 4x
location : Pusong Beach - lhokseumawe
Photographer : @peuhaba2020

Please enjoy! And do leave me a comment if you like the photo