Back in the days before I splurged on a tripod I had to be creative in how I took long long exposure photographs. This one is taken with the camera sitting on a cushion on top of the balcony railing at the historic Mendocino Hotel.
Back in the days before I splurged on a tripod I had to be creative in how I took long long exposure photographs. This one is taken with the camera sitting on a cushion on top of the balcony railing at the historic Mendocino Hotel.
brother.........please 1 vote give please please................
Wow, wow, wow, i can just say wow, you captured an amazing art of nature's motion in the sky, it reflecting as an colourful clouds are dancing in the rhythm of nature's music. Thanks for sharing this gem with us.
Stay Blessed.
Great photo. This captures the mood of life on the road. Calm easy moving. And this looks like a place where you can stop for some brisket.
very good photo, draw attention..
very good photo, draw attention
wow very big image.