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RE: Horizon of White Gold in Pure Air … Chiang Mai, Thailand – GoldenHour Photography

This is, no doubt, one of the finest sun sets I have seen in recent times. There is also no question about the brilliance of the man behind the camera lens.

Your title is quite catchy too. And thanks for the lesson in the last paragraph. It is a nice research finding.


Thanks for the compliment. I am, as ever, humbled by the undue praise.

This was one of those photos that I had thought would not turn out well. But with a bit of photo-shopping, it turned out quite good.

In particular, I like the contrast of the white light and the darkened city, where the lights are already glowing brightly against the black background.

I love this very photo quite well because of its uniqueness - the whiteness of the gold in the sky. It is interesting to know that you had to photoshop it to turn out quite well. That's what a professional touch can do.

My praise is not undue - kindly accept it.