That's right. The quality of phone camera pictures is always inferior to real cameras because of the small sensors and the inferior optics. But phone camera pictures can be quite good when looked at on the camera screen or even on a computer screen if not in large size because some cameras have good lens stabilizers and top notch image processing software.
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That's true, and the phone is always nearby. As they say: the best camera is the one you have with you. Or something like that..😊
Posted using Partiko Android
This is why my next phone will have a better camera than my current one. A friend of mine took pictures with his two-year-old Samsung S10 (or I think that's what it was) and we were all stunned by the dynamic range of the camera. We took a picture of a well lit park over a river well after sunset. There were mallards in the foreground very close to the railing we were leaning against. Everything, including the mallards appeared to be perfectly exposed. The park over the river had a building about 40 metres away and the details of the building looked quite accurately reproduced in the image. However, when my friend went home and looked at the pictures on his computer, it became apparent how totally superior the 30 second exposures taken with my DSLR were in image quality. Enlarging the phone camera image was impossible without losing a serious amount of quality.
Exactly. It is often quite a different when looking on a 13" screen. Pixelpeeping pictures from mobile phones are not fun😂
Posted using Partiko Android
Not good for your mental wellbeing at all. ;)
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