Goldenhourphotography photography contest winners
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by @rachmaddarmawan
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"Unusual Log"
by @jon24jon24
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"Golden Hour:Sunset in the highlands of Scotland"
by @jlgc
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"Sudanese Fishermen at sunset"
by @photofreediver
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"Frosty Sunrise Across The Valley By Steve J Huggett"
by @stevejhuggett
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"HOW TO: Golden Hour & Portrait Photography - One Simple Way To AMAZING Portraits!"
by @jazzyfish
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"Golden hour on Cannon Beach"
by @keithboone
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"The burning Ice"
by @axeman
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"Orange mist"
by @mattepalla
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"Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve - Sunrise"
by @angrysage
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by @shadalene
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"Branches - Goldenhourphotography"
by @kiokizz
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"Amazing sunset in Versailles"
by @rinawonderlands
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"Sunrise or sunset? • Lever ou coucher de soleil?"
by @vincentleroy
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"Golden hour..."
by @tbouras
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"GoldenHourPhotography ~ Feel the Sunset"
by @nchis
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"The Lone Tree, Buttermere - Golden Hour Photography Contest"
by @domioanna
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"I Was Nearly Arrested Taking This Photo, Upvote For The Story"
by @mitchmillennial
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"Sunny Evening by the Bay - Golden Hour Photography"
by @randypike
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"Almost Freezing - Color Version"
by @asgarth
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"Halo during the sunset"
by @boddhisattva
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"golden sea of Izmir"
by @artizm
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by @sibr.hus
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"Twilight Poetry"
by @budifatria
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"Labor of Love"
by @jameslano
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"Amazing sunset over city hall in Poland"
by @kelthuzzar
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"Golden Land."
by @danasanoak
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"Goldenhourphotography - Fleeting magic of the heaven [Only for this post today 💰 50% SBD back + 🏆 up to 25% lucky upvote. ]"
by @elviento
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"Golden Hour Photography - Sunset in Prague"
by @schmidthappens
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"Goldenhourphotography Photo Contest initiated by @juliank and @photocontests - Sunset, East Timor"
by @nolasco
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"Goldenhourphotography Contest"
by @galione
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"Daily Photography Contest by @juliank | Goldenhourphotography - The Beautiful Twilight at Tibang Village"
by @ejhaasteem
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"Forever Chasing The Golden Hour"
by @naysayer
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"Golden autumn - golden hour photography contest by @juliank"
by @holycow
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"#GoldenHourPhotography - Wanna come for a walk?"
by @migratorybird
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"One more from the fall."
by @johnabbott
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"Sunrise in Triabunna, Tasmania"
by @jpphotography
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"My Golden Boy"
by @hetty-rowan
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by @mariya-lorenz
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by @michaelcamilleri
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"Waves of sunset"
by @ackhoo
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"Goldenhourphotography: Sunset Coastal Lhokseumawe City"
by @mukhlispasee
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"7 reasons why I love sunsets"
by @wnfdiary
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"Evening on the Beach"
by @holysprite
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"Forest colors"
by @kubak
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"[Baikal 2016] Cape Khoboy at Sunset, Lake Baikal"
by @ansharphoto
Congratulations all winners with your shared prize pool of 5.0 Steem and 2000 XP!
Let me know below which photo(s) you liked the most.
Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and portraitphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography
Some of the most amazing photography! Thanks for organizing and posting.
@jon24jon24 very nice photo!
My favorite was "wanna come for a walk?" by @migratorybird!
very nice and peaceful, good pics!
Congratulations to all the winners 😊
Wow .... amazing this golden hour photography... i appreciate community.
all the best dear friend
¡Grandiosas fotografías!
Woowwwww ...
Congratulations to all the winners. I'm thrilled to make the list this week!
Congrats, Keith! Great to see yours here - it's beautiful! :))
Wow what gorgeous photos.incrudible natural beauty expression i mean it was so highly selective and har competition
Very neautiful photografy..its wonderful..
I really thought I was going to be in that list :/
oh my eyes.. a lot of magia
@mariya-lorenz amazing, different and beautiful photo! Love it!
"[Baikal 2016] Cape Khoboy at Sunset, Lake Baikal" by @ansharphoto is my favorite. The rest were great, too.
Extraordinary all, but especially the # 3, which is mine. Thanks Photocontests, I'm flattered.
Best photography....
Awsome 😍😍
Best and Perfect Photography
Love that all
My favorite is“Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve - Sunrise" by @ angry sage, but there are another 3 or 4 that I like. Anyway, congratulations 🎈 to everyone.
I will repeat. Great pictures. My favorite today is:
Congratulations to the winners ;-) "Forest colors" by @kubak "Halo during the sunset" by @boddhisattva
Here’s one from me. I took this recent in the final day of a ski trip in France. I then applied some glitch effects to it, so that the sun itself is orbbed and contrasted to the mountains. This gives an other worldly impression.
I love photos taken in the so-called"Golden hour". Such photos are especially warm
Awesome photos and love your contests!
Thanks for including my Golden Boy in this winners ... and congrats to al the other winners. All the images are stunning!
"Sudanese Fishermen at sunset" is cool)
Thanks for the nomination @photocontests
This one i like the most but the quality of them all is fantastic and was a pleasure to look at so thank you for sharing and creating such a wonderful contest 😊
My favourite's "Golden hour on Cannon Beach"
by @keithboone Amazing!
Thank you very much, @juliank! :) As usual, it's an honour to be amongst this selection, one of my favourite photography subjects!! :))
My favorites are:
"Frosty Sunrise Across The Valley By Steve J Huggett"
"The burning Ice"
"Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve - Sunrise"
"Sunrise or sunset? • Lever ou coucher de soleil?"
"Sunny Evening by the Bay - Golden Hour Photography"
"Golden Hour Photography - Sunset in Prague"
"Halo during the sunset"
"Waves of sunset"
Thanks a lot for choosing my photo, @juliank, and congrats to the winners, photos are amazing! by @stevejhugget by @axeman by @angrysage by @vincentleroy by @randypike by @schmidthappens by @boddhisattva by @ackhoo
A beautiful golden photo. I also shared it!

Kuddos to all winner and to all the generous people who upvote specially the one who hosted the #photography @juliank Cheers!
I like this photo "Halo during the sunset"
by @boddhisattva
I liked
Waves of sunset
by @mariya-lorenz by @ackhoo
"Halo during the sunset"
by @boddhisattva
Nice capture !!
Some truly stunning shots here, folks - really well done, everyone, and congratulations to the winners.
@juliank and @photocontests, can I just make a suggestion/give feedback, if you don't mind? I would find it enormously helpful, given that these events are run weekly ad infinitum, if the date could be included in the post title or right at the top of the post. As it is, without dates indicating when the contest closed, I am just confused - is this a date for which I entered a photo, or is it not? Also, actually, on the same line of thinking and observation, I wonder whether it would be possible to include a list of all the participants, just so we know for sure that our entries were in fact considered?
Thank you so much for running the contests - I realise it must be a huge amount of work!
Jay x
These are always my favourite photos to look at - they are magnificent -well done to all winners
nice photos!
How can you even to that 😠😠😡😡

I have been following your contest since very long time .. and willing to take part in your fucking contest ... But. You are not responding ... It is worst managment .. look these two pictures which i took part for your contest but you are no responding it. ..
Chill out bro.
But why did you downvote me ...
Its my problem and i am sharing my problem
Because you sweared like a sailor … inappropriate.
So .. sorry but that was not the first time photo contest was not responding me many times ..
Can you please remove your flag so .. i may get help to take it to the admin ...
You can share your dislike on discord, but without swearing. If it worths, your pictrurs are beautiful. 😉
Thanks mate .. visit this post.. for more information ..
dont worry u will get chance mate... Chill down
Hope so bro ..