Golem Overlord's primary token, $PART, has now surpassed 500,000 burned which is 90% of the total minted so far!
Thus far nearly the entire player base remains active within the most recent 24 hours. The amount of $PART minted and burned each day continues higher as well as should be expected. I'm personally very pleasantly surprised with how well the price of $PART has held up for a token that should continue to be minted at a higher and faster rate. I'm still operating with the assumption that sooner or later the price per $PART will take a hit but how long until that actually happens remains to be seen.
Perhaps the most impressive thing of all about Golem Overlord and the $PART token is how it has skyrocketed up on the daily volume list for Hive Engine. The 24 hour $ volume for $PART surpassed $SPS a couple of days ago and now has its eyes set on surpassing $DEC and becoming the #1 traded token on Hive Engine.
Typically a game like this with an exponentially inflating token has a very short time span of sustainability but thus far Yixn's (developer of Golem Overlord) ability to pump code and updates like crazy has given this game a very real chance of continuing to new heights. (please note that he is away for the weekend so updates SHOULD be on pause for a few days which will help us all catch our breath a bit from the update whirlwind). There are still a ton of things still to come in terms of game updates and features. I'm very excited to see what the coming weeks, months and beyond have in store!
(Nothing is meant as financial advice of any kind. Games like this can be much more risky than most and you should ALWAYS do your own research before jumping into such a thing. This post is primarily an 'alert' for the new milestone for amount of $PART burned while also included some additional information and context. I should be posting a Golem Overlord video in the coming hours. If there seems to be demand for it I may try to do semi regular posts and/or videos for the game moving forward as well. If you do your own research and choose fully on your own accord to start playing the game, you may opt to use my referral link: https://go.splex.gg/?ref=jeffopenscards )
Great content as usual! Thank you, Jeff (and Milo)!