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RE: The great Tiger Woods crushed it yesterday.

in #golf7 years ago

I love stories like tigers! Honestly anytime some one amazing like Lebron or Serina Williams comes around I can’t help but root for them!

Cheating on his wife wasn’t a good look, but I felt like he got crucified which must have felt like the weight of the world had fallen on him.

Regardless of that, he’s back!!! It’s all about how you get up!!


Cheating on his wife wasn’t a good look, but I felt like he got crucified which must have felt like the weight of the world had fallen on him.

Right!! It was definitely like he got crucified. Like, reaction way out of proportion to what he did.

Infidelity isn't hurting anyone but his wife and his family and his own life. So it's like, why even feel the need to pile on and be indignant about it? It isn't like he was hurting or wronged general society or anything.

If I'm being 100% honest, I think a lot of it had to do with him being a successful black man and just haters in general happy to see a star fall.

But on another note, I think I'm getting addicted to steem again. I don't know if its because my life is so busy again and I need a reason to procrastinate, or because the price is so low that I feel like all of the spammers are gone, but holy ish this is fun!

yaa, I think a lot of people are reactionary to the way it's presented too, so once the networks go that way.. people think that way

that's sick!! hahah the spammers. I wasn't sure if I was seeing less because of my new tendencies to flag them or just because of price but ya I guess it's price lol

welcome back ahaha

If I'm being 100% honest, I think a lot of it had to do with him being a successful black man and just haters in general happy to see a star fall.

I agree with that. And heck, you don't even have to be black. The moment you climb the ladder faster/higher than other people expect, you're bound to make enemies. Some of them probably think life cheated on them, others probably think you're the eclipse on their shine.

Know what? Fuck 'em

I'm glad to hear Tiger is back. Will he resume his title as @full-measure believes? I don't know. But if he plays with passion and skill he's known for, that's enough for me

Ya, some people are bothered by success and want to rip others down. Tiger as a black man and especially contrasting against what's usually a white sport may if nothing else draw increasing attention, and kind of exacerbate that attitude.

I think it's like an outlet for some people, hating on others and trying to shame and whatnot makes them feel better.

Fuck 'em!!! ahaha