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RE: IMO: GOLOS became a Digital Fascist state over-run by Nazis from the weird part of the Internet!

in #golos-opinion7 years ago

Hello! I am a member of the @golos team and I want to respond based upon the facts.

  1. None of the developers left the project. This is a lie. We are increasing the development team almost threefold (this includes both developers of the Golos blockchain core and the front end of the social network site
  2. We are conducting Data Science research on the payout curve, as discussed a month ago. A decision will be made based on the results.
  3. War & Drama appear when users with high Golos Power are trying to turn the social network into a garbage dump, submitting paid upvotes and empty texts via their boosters.

Personally, I do not see anything unusual in that someone made an anti-buster bot (which forced you to write this post) in order to make site more fair.


What you have created is a black market for vote buying and selling, whereas Booster is transparent, open source and available for everyone. Don't glorify yourselves, and don't invent stories as you have any clue about what I do, what I have observed and what my intentions are.

You guys turned Fascist Nazis on the community, failed at everything - only thing you are good at is lying to weak people.

Context: You are selling votes behind the scenes to your so called "business partners" using GolosPower you have got for free after you scammed investors for 600 Bitcoins in the ICO.

And you are dictating who gets to use what, when and why. Excluding legit investors from thriving in open space. Don't you see further than the tip of your own nose @marina, @vitaly-ivov, @serejandmyself, @elena-singer, @freebornsociety, @insider, @nickshtefan, @nemo1369 and the rest of the corrupt @golos "team"? @golos initially positioned itself as a platform for communities and quality content.

Interest groups began to be actively formed on the site closer to summer, with the added initiative of community support from ordinary members of the — natasha, phoenixEverything done within the framework of the Vox-Populi was absolutely transparent for those who speak Russian. All posts issued through the community were checked for uniqueness of content and deservedly gained the votes of users., as described at the Golos Fest in July (@arcange, @roelandp — witnesses).

In the case of the booster, which you transferred from Steemit, the uniqueness of the supported content and its' quality is irrelevant. The interests of the communities are irrelevant because cash is king.

As soon as the booster started working at full strength (2017-11), an active outflow of active authors (blue line) from the platform began (largely due to the fact that it was turning into a garbage dump of shovels).

Почему только сообщества аффилированные с GolosFund получали централизованную поддержку за качественный контент? Что мешало организовать глобальную поддержку авторов через группы кураторов, а не через карманные сообщества, которые выплачивают за поддержку деньги - 20% от Силы Голоса?

Что мешало всё это сделать без откатов, а просто за счет групп тематических кураторов?

Вы первые создали систему денежных откатов на Голосе и стали пилить 30% пула через карманные сообщества. Сообщество Голоса ответило тем же, и теперь вы говорите про деньги и качественный контент?

Why only communities affiliated with GolosFund received central support for quality content? What prevented the organization of global sponsorship support through groups of curators, and not through pocket communities that pay money for support - 20% of the GOLOS POWER?

What prevented all this done without kickbacks, but simply at the expense of groups of thematic curators?

You were the first to create a system of cash kickbacks on the GOLOS and began to cut 30% of the pool through pocket communities. The Voice community answered the same, and now you are talking about money and quality content?

Maybe we just reverse the R on steem and call it a compromise?

Бустер был ответом на квадратичные выплаты, которые вы до сих пор не убрали, чтобы контролировать распил пула.
После того как вы начали мочить флагами инвесторов вместо того, чтобы ввести линейную кривую выплат уйдут не только авторы, но и инвесторы.
К тому же метание флагами создает нездоровую атмосферу, вовсе не дружелюбную.
В общем я впервые вижу, когда команда откровенно гробит перспективный проект, аналогов в Рунете у которого еще нет.

The booster was the answer to the quadratic repayments, which you still have not cleared to control the cut of the pool.
After you began to wet the flags of investors, instead of introducing a linear payment curve, not only the authors, but also investors will leave.
In addition, throwing flags creates an unhealthy atmosphere, not at all friendly.
In general, I see for the first time when the team frankly destroys a promising project, which has no analogs in RuNet.

The curve is not the main trouble. The trouble is garbage content promoted by boosters without any revision and quality assurance. Also, big number of different boosters which drives the head crazy. Even if one legit author with quality post decides to legally promote his/her post, he can't do it easily.

Author needs to perform deep research on which "Promotion Service Provider" to use. Most providers requires to input very big investments to overcome the swarm of shit-posters with big cash.

Low quality content boosters make so huge noise! Newbie can't afford to join these gamblings. So, they just become unseen and hungry for readers.
No readers, no reason to post a quality.

This is a issue in steemit too... A lot of crappers do trash content and do high bids, communities should be active and selective.

Whoa, whoa, somebody stole my name on golos?

A quick check says unknown account.
So now my question is why is my name in this conversation?

And while i got your eyes, why was i booted from steemspeak?
Did somebody get his little feelers bent by the truth?

  1. 1.1. Разработчик из команды ушел
    1.2. Команды фактически нет, потому что он работал один.Если мы говорим о лжи, то скорее это вы врете. Во врем последней встречи с делегатами @nemo1369 сказал, что уходит из @goloscore в CyberFund. А учитывая, что практически только он тянул код ядра, то:
  2. Я не знаю почему вы исследуете кривую, смена кривой была обещана год назад ещё до старта Голоса.
  3. Ну, так если у вас экономика на Голосе такая, что выгодно голоса продавать, то юзеры их продают. Но атакуете вы только почему-то только @fyrstikken, хотя голосами торгует уже весь голос.

  1. 1.1. The developer from the team left
    1.2. The team is actually not, because he worked alone.If we are talking about lies, then rather you are lying. During the last meeting with the delegates @ nemo1369 said that he is leaving @goloscore in the KF. And considering that almost only he pulled the kernel code, then:
  2. I do not know why you are investigating the curve, the change of the curve was promised a year ago even before the start of the Voice.
  3. Well, if you have an economy on the Voice such that it is profitable to sell votes, then the users sell them. But you attack only for some reason only @fyrstikken, although the voice is already trading the entire voice.

@litrbooh Доброго времени суток. Хочу лишь уточнить, что паника несколько преждевременна.

Строго формально, я еще пока никуда не ушел. До окончания февраля я продолжу числиться в составе команды @goloscore в качестве наставника и технического писателя. Строго говоря, я обучаю людей, претендующих на звание команды, и документирую код.

@nemo1369, от того, что вы передаете свои навыки будущему поколению код не пилится, ХФ не делается, кривая не сглаживается, разработка стоит, делегирования и бенефицианства нет, инвесторы и разработчики не могут монетизироваться.

Если люди теряют деньги, что кого интересуют формальные детали?

Кстати, Михаил, вы обещали ТЗ на исследование кривой показать и озвучить сроки примерные по данной работе.

from the fact that you pass on your skills to the future generation, the code does not cut, the HF is not done, the curve does not get smoothed out, the development costs, the delegation and the beneficiaries are not, investors and developers can not monetize.

If people lose money, who is interested in formal details?

By the way, Michael, you promised TZ for the study of the curve to show and voice the terms of the sample for this work. лагает как негр знает что

Good day. I just want to clarify that panic is somewhat premature.

Strictly formally, I have not gone anywhere yet. Until the end of February, I will continue to be a member of the @goloscore team as a mentor and technical writer. Strictly speaking, I teach people who claim to be a team and document the code.

If we could get more feedback in #en, that would be nice.

I pretty much stopped posting when my rewards went to pennies.

Far less pennies now, first saw 0.001 $ as a kind of payment for the vote

When the high gp accounts vote, every other vote is worth less.

We had that problem on Steemit, but I didn't like their solution.
I thought it was better to convince the whales to keep their hands off the reward pool, they already have most of it as it is.