Yeah, we have lost a lot of ground. I'm not convinced though that there are many in the crypto space that are both large active communities of actual users - particularly that fulfill the purpose Hive fulfills.
There have been studies recently that showed the vast, vast majority of transactions on the supposedly most active blockchains (eg. EOS) are nothing more than spam.
I think this is true. To get an accurate measure of a network's non-spam transactions, there has to be a sufficient "cost" to discourage spamming of mostly meaningless transactions. Or I guess, one could try to define metrics for what is a non-spam transaction, but that sounds like a hard problem.
Seems a lot of crypto activity is fake with some exchanges artificially boosting trading volume. The number of people actually using crypto may be pretty small. At least on Hive we can see we have real people posting. Communities are forming here and I really hope to see them grow.