Flagged for the same reason. This is divisive trolling. The idea that constantly making negative posts going after other users and introducing some sort of innuendo they are doing something wrong is somehow going to add value to the platform is completely wrong. It does the opposite and I'm flagging to avoid rewarding something that is harmful to Steem/it and to my investment.
Also, this action is completely appropriate. If an account has too little to qualify for the sharedrop (for example, 6.9 SP or 99.9 SP without activity) then the SP in that account is excluded from the sharedrop, arguably unfairly. By topping off the accounts, it prevents that. This is being a smart investor, IMO. That @berniesanders is a smart investor and has maximizing investor value (including his own) guiding his actions is a large part of why I support his witness and conversely actions that damage the platform and are hostile to investor value is why I do not support @clayop's witness, nor these posts of his.
I don't understand what is wrong with trying to maximise your earnings. I would assume most people would do the same. Is it a crime to make money now? The whole bloody platform is based on it - it's cryptocurrencies after all.
These kind of personal fights need to stop it looks really childish and will scare away new users. Also crying scam on everything harms us all.
Since given the limited amount of sharedrop, their maximizing earnings decrease all others profit.
Yes you already made that point and I get it. How is this different from anything else in life?
All of this accounts have > 7SP and almost curation rewards. I hope @berniesanders just insuring. Will you curate posts in Golos? I know you understand Russian.
Available time is a factor. I'm watching Galos though, and interested in the experiment.
Thanks for your support