Dhamma of fragments
Dhamma like stream
What the device does not control
There is no map
There are no methods
There is no discipline would be observed
After getting over
Over the lake up to a higher surface fails to take off
This is the only
Finding his place naturally low
Must be the highest things to consider
This Dhamma.....
Dhamma tells me how to say
goal Jesuit
Method if the goal will be hard
We do not have goals, even in the heat
Goals the same way that you have,
The dhamma respect lonely alone
Not a crowd....
The dhamma respect freedom
No rules
Buried in a sacred tradition virgin
An existing law
Find new ways to Eye
Dhamma says that nothing is not a barrier wall.....
Everything knows is a barrier wall.....
Good poem
SMT No 55
hote p
SMT (54)
Good bro
SMT 57
SMT 52
SMT 56
Nice Bro
SMT 60