Good night ball supporters wherever you are this time we will discuss about the evening meal in the middle of the faithful wise spectators
For this time there is a toast covered with srowberry chocolate that will upload your appetite there is fried rice with beef eyed egg and dessert chocolate toast
There is no effort and effort when the fried rice hit by tasty toast it is good we just see the second menu there fried noodles stir-fry shrimp that tasted like spice peanut taste sate padang is incredible delicious that's all I can write more and less apologize if there is mis-written me goodnight thank you.
>Selamat malam pendukung bola dimana pun anda berada kali ini kita akan membahas tentang makanan malam ditengah penonton budiman yang setia
>Untuk kali ini adalah ada roti bakar yang dilapisi coklat srowberry yang akan mengunggah selera anda ada nasi goreng pake telur mata sapi dan makanan penutup roti bakar rasa coklat
>Tidak ada usaha dan upaya dikala nasi goreng dilanda roti bakar sedap rasanya baiklah langsung saja kita lihat menu kedua ada mie goreng tumis pake udang yang terasa bagaikan bumbu kacang rasa sate padang sangatlah luar biasa lezatnya itu saja yang dapat saya tulis lebih dan kurang mohon maaf apabila ada salah dipenulisan saya selamat malam terimakasih.

thank you also to those of you who have supported me,
Hi friends, follow it's profitable, I hope you understand it. my account @ rijal999 will I vote and follow back
Halo @semy, apa kabar? Kami telah upvote ya..
wow good