About being born "Good or Evil".

in #good7 years ago

It is a pretty common position, held by the vast majority of people, that people are either evil or good. This position stems from mostly from an inaccurate understanding and observation of behavior.

Relevant education, resources, and environment do not just remedy/influence the EXISTING behavior, they SHAPE behavior that is not existent at birth. So it is not that the person is NOT a good person, it is a matter of haveing been up to that point reinforced and influenced into cultivating behavior that is objectionable by the current societal norms. Labeling behavior good or bad/evil is a completely made up terminology, that means nothing without a set of parameters, that we agree on. Evil especially was/is used as an excuse for all sorts of horrible stuff in the past and present.

Saying that the current state of a person's behavior is not acceptable by society(for example killing a person, because they didn't hold the door, or because they got told they are not liked) and needs to change, does in no way mean that is the same as admitting they are a bad person from birth and no matter the circumstances of their life, they would end up killing someone over an insult.

There is simply no evidence for such gene/inborn determinism in regards to behavior.