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RE: Good news! Support for a universal basic income is on the rise.

in #goodnews8 years ago

UBI can be used as a way to turbo-charge capitalism. A fiat currency can be backed with CULTURE which is produced in greater amounts when money is invested into supplying basic essentials. If you dont understand the concepts and nuanced thinking behind UBI then "communism' becomes an easy argument, Its a boost to capitalism and it is not communism.


Not even close my friend. Wealth redistribution via coercive government force is NOT capitalism. What you are talking about is a theoretical boost to INDUSTRY not capitalism. Industry does not equate to capitalism. However your theoretical boost to industry is also based on fallacy. History has proven that taxing industry in order to provide "social services," has a negative outcome on economies.

Rebranding socialism/communism as "Universal Basic Income" does not make it capitalism. It's still socialism. It still requires government coercion. It's still going to result in a reduction in overall wealth. It has never worked on a large scale. It never will.