After finishing work from there, I went to a shop and saw that they were picking up a lot of new things. The shop was bringing a lot of things to celebrate my birthday.Below are some pictures
Yesterday everyone in our family went to Basurhat Bazaar. I have an aunt's house there. My Khalu was very sick in the morning. Everybody went to see me. After he fell asleep, I put him on the computer table in my shop. He slept for a while
Then there is a hotel next door. I ordered a lot of food and drink from the number and restaurant hotel. Then I sat here in the shop and ate.
Before coming home I went to a gold shop and bought a gold ring to make some gold. Then I came home and walked in our area for a while with a friend of mine. Then I went home and worked for a long time. The bathroom and toilet work in our house is going on.