It's common for people to Google whatever comes to their mind. Something funny is the fact that people tend to search more about things for which they were already warned against. The warning was supposed to inform them that they shouldn't "Google" that, but sadly their curiosity gets the better of them. Therefore, this post is probably going to defeat the purpose of telling you not to search these things, but I'm going to write it anyway.
The internet is not only filled with the pictures of beautiful girls but it's also filled with some content that you could never even imagine. It is full of shocking content! Shocking is sometimes acceptable but you want to avoid the content that makes you feel anxious for an entire day.
There are some things that you don't really need to Google or else you might regret your decision. In this article, I'll share with you a few things that you should never search for online.
1 - Your email address
Nothing could be more shocking than seeing your email address on random sites that will make you facepalm and bang your head against the nearest wall. You'll find out you registered on some site five years ago that sold your email address to spammers and fraudsters. Do your best to protect your email address, so you don't find yourself smashing your head through a wall.
I used to register on random sites, but luckily I was smart enough to register for a separate test email. After some time, when I decided to Google that email address, I was completely shocked to see that people exposed my test address on public sites.
2 - Pictures of food
Honestly, what's the point? Even after filling your stomach, when you'll search the pictures of food, it's only going to make you hungrier. If you're hungry and you know that your wife cooked Fried Rice, and you're looking through pictures of Briyani, it will surely make your mouth water, but will probably ruin your mood as well.
3 - 4 girls finger paint
I love watching videos of people showing off their skills by doing some kind of artistic painting. Though I love painting, I am glad that I don't use Google to search deeply for "Hidden Treasures."
It was really shocking to find out that "4 Girls Finger Paint" features four girls who paint each other with the feces of each other. I've heard that they vomit in the same video, but I don't dare to watch it. Don't Google it or else it will probably make you vomit too. You've been warned!
What else should you never Google? Let me know in the comments.
I would say pornography, especially to those young kids, it will affect their lives negatively when they grow up.
Don't ever Google the word Google..
Hahaha this second one is funny. How will someone go and be googling about pictures of food . Well I hate seeing blood, war scenes, bomb blast so I can't google any of them.
I say do not google anything if you don't need to - stay with a more private search engine. Otherwise, do not google illegal processes unless you can provide a good reason, should The Man come knocking.
Goose bumps everywhere. Sometimes I wish I never came across certain things on the internet
Funny thing with the food 😂
I never google pictures with blood content, organs and similar.. i cant watch it 😂😂 makes me sick
Agreed! Those are terrible!
Awesome post!
Never google mathematical equations you don't understand, cuz you will get more confused.
Thanks on the email tip... Wasn't aware that such things were done email adresses, taught it was supposed to be confidential
Really like you have written, many people who have been sorry for looking for something that is not useful in google. I myself have experienced it in the past.
now we must be good at finding something important rather than later to make us regret.
Good work,very nic post.
great post!
Interesting... Even to google my own email add I didn't know that...
I googled those informative and useful things to learn.