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RE: Welcome to the tax avoiding, creepy world of Google.

in #google8 years ago

This was great. Glad to some real writing on this platform. I don't think people realize how monopolized the web is between google and Facebook alone. Add in Amazon and you pretty much have the whole web covered.

It's disgusting and suffocating and people don't realize it. I truly hope blockchain changes this permanently, however we all need to get over our scarcity thinking. I see too many people just trying to get rich and don't give a damn about the consequences. This platform is starting to look much the same. Keep writing great stuff. You got a follow and an upvote!


Its crazy, really, like I said, I live in silicon valley, they own this town. Apple, google, amazon, microsoft, yahoo, Facebook, groupon, etc. they buy all buildings, amazon just bought whole foods which dominates here. ITs just insane.

It's surreal-y dystopian (yes, I can make up words like surreal-y lol) - but seriously, there's nothing these companies don't know about you. And not to sound like someone mumbling in a straight jacket - but your devices are listening.

My boyfriend is bilingual and any time he's having a conversation in Spanish near my phone - the ads start appearing in Spanish. Creepier - google autosuggests whatever we're talking about when I do a search. The other night we were discussing...politics...and wondering if any billionaires had actually gone to jail. Well of course, I pick up my phone to google it...

Now wouldn't you think if you typed in "Have any bill...." google would suggest something like - "bills become laws" or something? No, as soon as I got as far as bill in billionaire - the first search option was "have any billionaires gone to jail" ...but it happens all the time with so many conversations.

Yes, I depend on tech to make a living, but sometimes I wish I could just go crawl back into the 90's !