In my post this time I want to show the prize that has been given by GoogleDevs to me, because I have completed the quest given through the #JUARAGCP Season 5 event.
Source: Twitter GoogleDevs Indonesia
#JUARAGCP is a learning activity about the google cloud platform that is held online, this #JUARAGCP activity will later give us a quest/challenge from the google cloud platform, and if we successfully complete the quest/challenge we can get swag/gifts for free from Google Devs according to the conditions given .and this year the #JUARAGCP in season 5 where they learn about Big data and Machine Learning.
#JUARAGCP Season 5
On September 16 -26, 2021 GoogleDevs from Indonesia held a #JUARAGCP Season 5 event, where the topics discussed in the Google Cloud Project were #BigData and #MachineLearning. On quests, tiers were provided for the completion of the quests given where for tier one to complete a minimum of 6 different quests, Tier 2 complete a minimum On September 16 -26, 2021 GoogleDevs from Indonesia held a #JUARAGCP Season 5 event, where the topics discussed in the Google Cloud Project were #BigData and #MachineLearning.
On quests given tier provisions on completion of the quests given where for Tier 1 complete a minimum of 6 different quests, Tier 2 complete a minimum of 10 quests, and Tier 3 complete a minimum of 14 quests from the choices determined according to the topic. to find out #BigData and #MachineLearning on Google Cloud Platform on qwiklabs which I listed earlier.