Google ReCaptcha Sucks

in #google7 years ago

It's been years since users complain about the impossibilities to solve with Google ReCaptcha but nothing is improving. There are times that everything runs smoothly but, it's just a couple of days in a month or maybe, in 3 months. Are they even trying? I have just found out that some programmers can bypass it using some scripts. Then, what's the point of that fking ReCaptcha. Is that just us, users who are finding it difficult? I think we, users should start a campaign to let google know that ReCaptcha sucks. Let's just search 'fk google ReCaptcha' on google and refresh the search for 100 times every time we come online. Those who have some tech knowledge write a script to do so. Let's load the google search engine with that phrase. #Google #ReCaptcha #Sucks