As of now, when you search different topics starting with or followed by the word steemit, nearly all results derive from the domain steemit.com. Within a short time I can imagine it dominates nearly all steemit related content when searching through Google. Here is my short assessment.
Warning, some may find this assessment to be a little far-out. Nonetheless, here goes.
The point I'm trying to make is more or less from a visual point of view. Some, may find the considerations I make awkward, and some will question me as an individual. To get my point though, you have to read the whole article, assuming your common sense is still unimpaired.
Examples. The first two pictures show results in Google when solely searching "cryptocurrency". The third picture show the results when searching "steemit.com cryptocurrency":
You see how diversified the results are? Results have a good mix of sources. For those who search for research purposes (like investors) it gives multiple choices for content.![]
This is the essence (if you could allow such big words in such a small assessment), in which my obsession goes all the way to the point of queasiness. Even explaining this makes me question myself.![]
The results shown by the picture shows how steemit.com will dominate. Already now, in steemit's early days, similar searches give more or less the same results and we can only assume it will get better/worse.
Now, if you search "how to", "tutorials" and so forth, you get 100% results from steemit.com. For comparison, try then to search Ethereum, Bitshares etc. You'll see the difference. My point becomes evident if we in 3 months time see a dramatically increase of steemit.com as the source site when searching Google. Already today it's exceeding all other crypto related domains out there, and they did this in record time considering the maturity of steemit. I have no proof of that.
On the other hand you may argue that this is actually a SEO expert's wet dream-project. Basically a self-expanding site that forces Google to consider it number 1 on all searches in the end. Much like forums, but much much more engagement and rapid content deployment not seen before, naturally fooling Google to believe it has a twin brother eventually. And this is a good thing right? Maybe not. Here is where it becomes really really unusually boring. Get ready for it.
The elements of perception and conception is all about first impressions, some guy said. In our digital age, this is typically assimilated through logos, web design and the sites UI, but for many, the first impression will actually originate from Google itself, in which SEO becomes essential from an visual index point of view.
For instance, newcomers searching steemit, especially those who want to research it, they want to get info and data from different sources, to enable their minds to compare and make fair assessments on the topic their searching on. Commonly getting info from different news sites, blogs, forums and other. I've been told you can round up the same level of research simply by watching Fox News, but I simply don't trust a News show with that name.
Steemit already has a myriad of similar articles on topics popularly searched on (and naturally these topics are in great numbers due to the nature of the steemit reward system). And when you want more info on the subject you get massive amounts of similar posts, all derived from it's own user-created-self-profit-generating system.
I know I lost many of you by this point, but this is for the freaks who still are reading.
Imagine the project for the future ahead. Will it be interpreted as a friendless project. Could it even give the impression of being a lonesome portal, delivering narrow content only admired and used by self-serving Steemers? Narrowly and small minded, I guess you could justify to think all the articles are for personal gains and profit. I would rather say, isn't everything on the Web like that already? However, it would be a shame if it gets interpetrated too much in that direction.
You don't really get the feeling of aquiering independent content on the steemit topic, solely by searching steemit.com, rationally you would think. Confusingly for most people to accept, all of it is sourced from the same site, a site that also promotes itself and has economic incentives for all those who posts. Naturally this brings about the question of integrity even though this should not be the case of thinking at all. To end this part, I thought it unlikely would be interesting to think of the word confined, as it is very similar to the word confident, and that, should not have been part of this article.
Truth is, steemit actually represents a shift in how social media operates and the control of it being in many ways handed over to the users themselves. The steemit concept of growing alongside with your users is one of the greatest ideas of our time! But back to my divine point: Many will look at it another way.
I mention this in the mind and purview of my own Google search results. At this point I should mention that, I have internet connection from the barber shop across the street, coupled with my neighbors dedicated IP from Russia, synchronized with a "thing" in my kitchen that delivers bandwidth to my Nokia phone, and I'm sharing that mangled internet from the phone to my reluctant Commodore 64 computer having customized it to have the full power of ISDN. So who knows how I'm getting these google results.
In the future when steemit hosts millions or billions of post's, solely on their own domain, could it result in something it wasn't intended too? Is it a possibility of a downside to this, resulting in loss of potential users? More on the upside gains maybe? I don't know. Probably not.
To avoid being seen as a loner site, as it may be seen as of now by my Google search, steemit should perhaps consider having different domains and designs (different page structures also) for the different topics/categories? I don't know. Probably not.
By now I undoubtedly lost all of you, but in case anyone got through it all;
Congratulations, you read something that didn't give you anything other then more questions, the topic is inadequately assessed, and it was purely written for my cat's amusement. And for that you're welcome :)
I would love to see statistics comparing Facebook and Steemit Ito growth and Google ranking in a historic context. Any crazy math heads reading this? Of course not, nobody is.
PS: The money earned from this post will be invested into my Cat's future well-being, namely, The Food Insurance & Owner Liability Trust, incorporated in Delaware, US.