Good News For People Who are Experiences Slow Wifi
Many android users faced slow WiFi issue, It was first thought that this is a network issue but it turns out the problem is not from ISP (internet server provider) but from the bug from the chrome cast devices and android phones.
A chrome cast is a device which is plugged to TV's hdmi port through a usb cable. With this device you can access video content from Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO, Amazon instant videos, YouTube, Google play store and much more. A Chrome cast device can be remotely controlled from a computer or android Chrome cast software itself.
The bug lies in Android Cast software, which seems to be sending large amount of traffic to the network. Ofcourse the impact is also dependent on the which router you are using.
According to Google:
People with an Android phone and a Chromecast built-in device (such as a Chromecast or Google Home device) on the same Wi-Fi network may experience this issue.
Google reported:
The fix will be provided via Google Play Service Update and was to be rolled out on Thursday of 18 January.
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