#GooglyEyes: Eyes of Toy

in #googlyeyes7 years ago

Hello there,

_20180220_011828.JPG Today's picture is toy of my baby. Toy teach the alphabet to children together with the song. This guitar-shaped musical box suitable for #googlyeyes and I thought was pretty good. I think the eyes are very good and it looks fun. İsn't it? I hope you will like it :)


ne zamandan beri aklımda googleyes'e katılmak ama google gözleri yok bende. kendiniz mi çizdiniz ? @elifsancak

Bende de yoktu maalesef. Kendim kağıtla çizip kestim koydum :) Vakit kaybetmemenin en kolay yolu. Sonuçta önemli olan istekli olmak. El emeği göz nuru :))

Gayet başarılı olmuş. Ben de o şekilde düşünmüştüm ama baktım etrafta boş kağıt ve kalem yok. Sonra vazgeçtim

Denediğinizde bakalım. İyi şanslar :)

This comment has received a 0.07 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @galasek.

This comment has received a 0.04 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @galasek.

awww... a cute little girl with blue hair :D

can I make a suggestion:

P.S.: Digital editing is not accepted in the #GooglyPrize, this is juts to illustrate my idea.

I agree that it was more beautiful this way. Thank you. I think it's fun to even think about this idea :)