China Goose Q Project Overview

in #gooseq5 years ago


The fundamental business of the Goose Q project is road data. Goose Q has an extremely wide inclusion of 4G arranges in China, which enables you to gather a lot of data on road conditions, driver conduct, traffic, and so on.

How precisely would they be able to gather this data?

Here's the manner by which - trucks and taxicabs go about as a data gatherer. What's more, Gooseq plans to incorporate EVERYTHING IN CHINA with these trucks and taxicabs as a wellspring of road data.

Goose q participates with makers of merchandise for road transport (These are back and front view mirrors, VCRs), which individually gather data.

Goose Q has been working in the Chinese truck and taxi showcase for more than 10 years. In 2015, the group started working with China Unicom, China's fourth-biggest broadcast communications supplier, and together they discharged a SIM card for car hardware.


There are 4 fundamental issues in this industry:

  1. Trucks are the most harmed. As indicated by mishaps, in 2017 in China, the complete number of trucks added up to in excess of 14 million, and in excess of 50,000 mishaps including trucks occurred, because of which in excess of 25,000 individuals kicked the bucket and 47,000 were harmed. Though in the USA the quantity of trucks is nearly equivalent to in China, however lethal mishaps happen multiple times less regularly.

in China, however deadly mishaps happen multiple times less regularly.

  1. Truck drivers experience expanded mental weight. As indicated by measurements, over 70% of Chinese truck drivers drive over 10 hours per day and practically all truck drivers are not happy with their working conditions.

  2. The business isn't very efficient, and data sources can't give enough data, yet additionally negate one another.

  3. Coordinations organizations and government offices experience the ill effects of phony solicitations. As per China Logistics and Purchasing Federation, about 10% everything being equal and receipts are phony.


The arrangements and highlights that the Goose Q project offers to take care of these issues.

  1. Propelled driver associate system supports right and effective driver conduct. The system incorporates highlights, for example, path takeoff cautioning, forward crash cautioning, night vision, recognition of sluggishness of the driver and colleagues. The Fellow Team highlight is the most imaginative and intends to compose truck drivers into groups as per their courses and in this way lessen wind obstruction and fuel utilization, just as enable different drivers to depend on one another.

  2. An effective data accumulation and capacity foundation gives dependable and plenteous data to the business. Utilizing the most recent innovation, for example, blockchain and IPFS, Goose Q is building up a propelled data preparing system, which is portrayed in this article.

  3. The Goose Daluka Q-SIM card item is as of now disseminated among truck drivers in China. The card offers free traffic for a scope of business and excitement applications, just as free system calls, so truck drivers can generally be associated with their loved ones.

  4. The blockchain-based encryption system gives a helpful medium to business work process and installment exchanges. Inside the system, just approved business gatherings can get to pertinent data, which makes it ok for all industry partners to digitize their business procedures utilizing Goose Q.

Also, the fundamental objective of Goose Q is to give visual, evident, solid, discernible, hostile to extortion, data from the coordinations business to expand its effectiveness and straightforwardness, just as to improve the financial and mental prosperity of truck drivers.

Yet, who needs this data?

  1. Credit associations and insurance agencies.

"They need driver conduct data and individual data to lessen their business dangers."

  1. To designers of online cards.

"They need data to make progressively significant and bigger systems."

  1. To assess specialists.

"They need data to all the more intently track solicitations and business movement."

  1. Traffic police.

"They need data on driver conduct on the road to build wellbeing."

  1. Vehicle drivers.

"They need data to comprehend what's going on the road presently, so as to set aside cash and fuel on toll roads."

Collecting road data with the Goose q project is quickly creating different viewpoints and regions of China, which can improve and streamline the lives of numerous private and open associations, and conventional individuals who claim vehicles.

Useful Links

Website: White paper: Twitter: Linkedin: Telegram: Medium: Linkedln: Weibo:

Authors details:

Bitcointalk profile url:;u=2443607;sa=summary

Bitcointalk username: juliwantslove