Nice rant :)
... Maybe I am just mad it is the last season?
I think it's this a little, very tough to live up to the hype.
Bronn wont get paid now, so maybe he'll have a spot somewhere - getting laid, by a desperate Brienne? :D
So is snowman Jon going to have to take down his queen? Not many people left to be in charge of now!
Somehow I hope it will be Tyrion Lannister who kills her.
And Arya sits on the thron. But a new one...with a pillow
in this episode it was hinted that Arya wants to kill her, but now maybe she will not. Tyrion would be ok, as a apology to the spider.
I am pretty sure she is out for blood and at least one of them will be no more after the last episode
Was going to say in my comment that the throne looks shockingly uncomfortable and totally needs a couple of cushions and pillows!
you know what I just noticed....where da fuck were the boobs???
We had tons of boobs before and now???
Yep. 0. Got us all excited in the first seasons and now, no action jackson. Maybe that's it - This season isn't up to scratch cause boobs, lack of boobs.