
I haven't been watching their reviews lately, although I have previous seasons. I spend too much time on Steemit now. I mostly enjoy their political stuff and try to avoid their personal real life stuff.

Funny stuff, thank you. In regards to Game of Thrones, does anyone else think that Arya could actually be dead and the character we are seeing this season is actually one of the faceless men? The evidence appears to be mounting up. First, in last week's episode she displayed impersonation skills that we did not know she had and now this week her pet wolf rejected her.

I enjoyed the young turks when bush was prez because they spoke out against his war mongering and establishment principals, but then when Obama came to office and was just as bad I found it unfair that they didnt criticize obama like they did bush. In their eyes obama could do no wrong , every ones a racist, ect. Now that Trump is in they are worse than ever. They where huge backers of Hilary and it became clear the only thing they care about is pushing the left wing establishment candidates and talking points.

This doesnt surprise me lol