(Spoilers) ** G.O.T. Memes are fire right now! ** (SPOILERS)

in #got6 years ago

Although these are just some memes they do potentially reveal things that happened in season 8 of Game of Thrones. So if you haven't watched the episodes yet, you need to get outta here!


The interwebs are just loaded with season 8 outrage at the moment. There are mostly people going on the offensive about how the series has been kind of ruined by poor writing primarily in season 8 because things that we have come to know as central to the story have been discarded or quickly written in a way that kind of makes things we have been told in the past irrelevant or that there was no point in the myth at all (sometimes in great detail covering multiple episodes.)

The greatest offender of this is the overnight vulnerability of the previously unstoppable dragons.


You may recall that in the past it was revealed that the humans in fact did have a weapon that could kill dragons but their use was incredibly complicated and there was still virtually no chance of success. This very low kill rate was exhibited in a battle where Bron, an extremely capable warrior, was trying to strike down a dragon and failed badly.


In this episode it is shown far more realistically how exceptionally complicated it is to load one of these things as well as how large and cumbersome the aiming of the scorpion actually is. Bron was only able to get one shot off and unlike the new ones that Euron has now, he didn't get to immediately reload. This immense change in unrealistic technology was very upsetting to me and many others. It doesn't matter that a dragon died, it was how easily it died that was upsetting. Plus the physics just weren't there at all. If you slow down the frames on the dragon death, you will see that one of the giant arrows (whatever they are called) comes from behind.... where none of the boats that are firing them happen to actually be. URGH!

The goodest boi of them all is discarded

The way that the direwolves were set up as being absolutely crucial to the story all the way back in Season 1 is something else that has upset fans immensely. This is particularly true in the rather uncaring manor that Jon Snow discards Ghost like he doesn't care about him and is quick to get rid of him despite the fact that he would still be very useful in upcoming battles.


The real battle here is the battle of the pocketbooks. While it wasn't explicitly stated, there are rumblings of the fact that the direwolf CGI was extremely expensive and well, if you think about it this is something we can all relate to. It is likely the reason why the dragons are being slowly eliminated from the show also. Even though budgets are an acceptable excuse for any decision made while making a show or film, they certainly could have handled these situations a lot better. Jon didn't need to discard Ghost the way he did, and they could have just had a stand-in large dog or even just a puppet for all I care. They didn't need to toss him out unceremoniously.


Of course as a dog owner this hits me a lot closer to home but that last image is an idea of how it should have happened.

All of these images came from 9gag, which is a tremendous way to have some laughs and waste time making zero money if you ever feel like doing something like that. I know I attract a lot of attention in the gym when i just start laughing for apparently no reason. If only they knew.


As I said, I haven't really watched this since the first season, but I do remember how important the dire wolves seemed to be. I am not too worried about spoilers though. After eight seasons I'd kind of be a fool if I was still trying to not have the series spoiled :P

You've given an in-depth analysis of the previous episodes...but I think it all adds to the suspense of the series
Now Daenerys has one dragon,half of the dothraki fighters are gone, the soldiers of winter fell are injured..how will she win the war against Cersei who has the Golden company at her side..together with crazy Euron.

The way in which Game of Thrones descended in its quality is really regrettable. I'll just leave this video here for those interested:

Readers of books should feel great knowing that things will happen differently there.

I know I attract a lot of attention in the gym when i just start laughing for apparently no reason

Exercising and laughing at the same time. You've got a great life

Hope you are good! And yest unfortunately I am among those negligible part of world who haven;t watched even one episode of G.O.T. and have no concerns of the spoilers spread all across insta and fb. hahahha! But yes it is amazing series and my almost all of the peers are mad at me for not watching it yet.
Anyways Keep flourishing.Hi @gooddream