October 1st.. Towards a new world order/global government?

in #government8 years ago (edited)

October 1st.. Towards a new world order/global government?

This may come as a surprise to many of you, it did to me. Something called ICANN went through yesterday. In essence. This is about the internet extensions.. Like.. .com .net .whatever... We used to control that here in the US, now the United Nations does.

Why? Good question! On a non conspiracy side, the internet belongs to the world not just us, so perhaps it's fair in some ways. Though.. I've seen quite a few foreigners terrified that the US gave this power away to an organization that doesn't have as good of a history with rights like the Freedom of Speech.

We're not perfect, but.. The United Nations is way worse. Is freedom of speech on the internet gone, like quite a few claimed?

Some people think the UN now the ability to censor and that more censoring will happen and the extreme conspiracy people like Alex Jones, and others.. Are claiming the "internet" is going to shut down and their pages will be censored. They fear mongered pretty bad and now they're getting a bit of flak, cause.. They're still here and some of them claimed they'd be gone.

And I mean.. If it was a take over.. Do you think they would be that overt and obvious with it? I don't. If they shut down infowars and other sites, people would go nuts and they would lose whatever advantage they just gained. (Unless it's endgame for them, which I doubt it is)

There is a more legitimate concern that they will start selectively censoring things in a more. covert way. I find that a concern and I find the decision in general to be colossally stupid.

I feel a lil ashamed cause.. I consider myself decently aware and informed about the news and current events, and I even didn't hear about this till it was too late.. I mean.. I heard about ICANN before, but it was like years ago and I thought it died.. Then all of a sudden.. It's passed before I even was warned by anyone. Pretty crazy.. And often how our government pushes through it's worst bullshit, like the federal reserve for example. Grr.

I think this is a big reason for concern, the only positive article I could find about it, was on the ICANN website itself. They claim it's just for like.. IP's and DNS and such. Though.. STILL.. It just went from the US which claims to be the freest place in the world and has a decent history, to the corrupt genocidal maniacs at the UN. Not good!
I mean the US is corrupt as fuck too, don't get me wrong. Though.. This is like one stage worse in fucked up ness.
And this is what gets me to my main point.

Regardless of however meaningful or insignificant this action ends up being.. It is a step towards one world government. Which is also not good because, we need to go in the opposite direction! Towards anarchy! Not fucking one world government. Fuck. Not with these leaders! Not with just about any. Freedom is important, government = force.

It'd be great someday if we can all come together under one umbrella, but not by force! That's not the right way. It's an incredibly dangerous way. People have been trying to control the world since the beginning of time.. You're watching them continue to, with all the modern technology and drones and satellites and who knows what else that's like classified/secret.

This nation has been on the brink of civil war like.. Literal civil war for years. Since shortly after 911. You didn't know? Or did you? Are you one of the few informed people here reading this? The government is terrified of this fact and is one reason they aren't moving faster.
This ICANN shit, just pushed the line that wasn't supposed to be crossed even further. But they're doing it slowly.. Incrementally. Like they have been for DECADES and longer! maybe hundreds of years, maybe even longer than that.

Based on my research, this occult group in power, like in the level of the US presidents like Bush's Clinton, Obama, etc.. They want to move us towards a "New World Order".. The United Nations original formation meeting was in the Bohemian Grove!!!!!! A place where our presidents go party in secret and attend a mock human sacrifice under a giant stone/concrete owl!

Also.. 68 percent or more of America's National Parks, Preserves and Monuments have been labeled Heritage sites which are basically controlled by the UN.

...And "Obama" just gave the United Nations an important part of our internet.(I put Obama in quotes cause I believe he's a puppet and it wasn't technically him, he's just a figurehead for the deluded masses)
This to me, is fucking clear... That the US government, is actively diminishing it's own power and giving it away to the UN. For uber conspiracy theorists see "The conspiracy of Iron Mountain"

To all of you freedom lovers, I think you should consider this as another act of war. I don't suggest physical violence until there's no other option left and then I still don't necessarily suggest it, each person has to decide for themselves what is right. Yet.. The world government is pushing.. Will you push back? Or let it just steamroll right over you?

To all those assholes on the side who don't do anything but work and entertain themselves and watch sports and TV and play video games and basically who just don't care about the bigger picture.. Thanks a lot.. Maybe this wouldn't have got so bad if more people cared.

And.. For those of us who have been warning of this kinda stuff, some like myself for around 15 years, and others much longer, some people most of their whole lives.. This is further validation that there is an organized powerful force encroaching on you.
On all free humans, and especially all those outside of their "club". Slowly but surely, the most powerful people in the world are working towards a one world government. The main thing that stands in their way.. Is people like you, who resist.

I can't really think of much else that would stop them, and.. There's a good chance they'll get what they want even if people were to suddenly wake up and organize. Even though we should outnumber them if there was an awakening.. They have the technology like drones and nuclear bombs and underground bunkers. And enough loyal people to.. Most likely do what they want.

It's been grim for a while.. And.. It just got a bit more grim.
I wish more people would take even a lil bit of time out of their lives to research some of these things and consider the possibilities.
The future could be really amazing and beautiful, or it could be like.. Something out of the Terminator movies or The Matrix or something like that.. Those in power with more advanced technology are winning against the regular people who have very little in
comparison, but who are often representing some of the best values of the human spirit, like freedom and love.. Big surprise eh? Remind you of any movies? Though.. This is real life, and there's not always a happy ending like in most movies.

Rant over. Would appreciate any thoughts from anyone who manages to read any of that. This ICANN thing is definitely on my mind right now. I'm no expert on it, but a lot of people seem to be freaking out and I can't find much good, or anything really good about it. Is there anyone out there who thinks this is a good thing?


Does it mean that we should be more careful with our words now than ever before?

Probably. Heh. As much as I hate to say that. Cause.. I'm a pretty outspoken person.

Ish is crazy...and everyone's busy watching football :(

Thank you for writing this

Yep.. It's pretty depressing. Seems like barely anyone noticed, even the smarter computer users.. You're welcome.