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RE: DMV: A Study in Stupidity

in #government9 years ago (edited)

What's up, larkenrose. I hear where you are coming from as an anarchist. I would like to respectfully provide my point of view on the subject. I may not be very well received for saying so, but I actually do think our quality of life is improved by DMVs nationwide. I'm not saying that there isn't room for improvement, such as providing more online options so these thousands of people can use their time more productively. ('cause the majority of these people are extremely productive, right?)

DMVs promote safety on our roads by ensuring that those they license meet minum requirements of knowledge and skill to operate their vehicles on the roads. DMVs also help keep the roads safe by imposing penalties and requirements on those who drive under the influence of intoxicants.

In addition to that, in many states the fees are used to build and maintain the roads and bridges we drive on every day without even thinking about how it came to be.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to contradict you, I respect you as a leader in the Steemit and anarchist community. I am learning a lot from you and others here. Just wanted to pose my point of view.

As you experienced, DMVs have worked hard to improve their services and reputation.

My question for you is, how do you see a transportation system working in a government free community?

  1. The DMV doesn't offer "services." It extorts people and forces them to do stupid crap. There's a difference.

  2. Given the people who have licenses, those "minimum requirements" seem to be mostly mythical. It's a way for the state to get money, and nothing else.

  3. Unlike most people, I DO think about how roads "came to be," which is why I know what a horrendously bad deal it is, given all the ways (mainly gasoline taxes) that people get robbed to fund such a crappy job.

  4. Describing possible transportation alternatives may require a separate post, since it's a bit much for a comment.


Of course, right... The minute you stop paying you suddenly lose those "knowledge and skills" needed to safely use a car...

It's nothing more than YOU paying for the PERMISSION to use something that you worked to earn, but surrendered the TITLE TO THEM, by REGISTERING it with THEM.

When they slap your face on that piece of plastic and you sign and pay for it, you accept a TENDER, you accept THEIR conditions (acts, codes and statutes), and you do so as THEIR PROPERTY/SLAVE, by IDing as THEIR PERSON (the LEGAL NAME), the one you use in COMMERCE (car / carriage / transportation) every day, earning and using THEIR dollars...

I know it's hard to live without using a car on public roads these days, and that's why I focus my time, knowledge and energy on fighting bigger scams, like income tax and the right to the person's SECURITY.

I would, however, serve them notice that the only reason I accept to pay is because I KNOW I could be shot and/or killed, and so I only pay to avoid being uselessly aggressed by violent irresponsible strangers with low IQ...

Strike the Root! Do not be sidetracked by the symptoms, go after the decease. The root of the problem is the superstitious faith in force as a primary means of social interaction. Attack that belief. Discredit the morality of inflicting violence on innocents, "for their own good" or "the common good". This myth is the root of the problem.

The real toot of the problem is the voluntary consent to being ruled, that we gladly give them, because we believe we know stuff, while we actually ignore what we dont know... We just dont know we dont know...

"DMV's promote safety on our roads by ensuring that those they license meet a minimum requirement of knowledge and skill to operate their vehicles on the roads."

Are you absolutely kidding me? I moved to Philadelphia from Denmark in 2014. I had never had a drivers license in Denmark, mostly because it costs like 2000 dollars to get one. Let me tell you, the DMV's might as well not exist. I answered 13 questions on a test on a computer and passed even though I hadn't studied at all. Now I had a Learners Permit which meant I could drive if someone with a drivers license was sitting next to me. For the next month I was driving all over the place with absolutely no other skill and knowledge than that, and I couldn't even remember the test because it was retarded. After one month I went to take the test for my drivers license. First a check of the car (which I brought my self), then a parallel parking test and then we drove out of the parking lot, took a right, then another right and lastly a third right back in to the parking lot, and congratulations, I had a drivers license. I took around 5 minutes. Total cost: 38 dollars.

If that's minimum requirements, you might as well not have them. And consider this: While Pennsylvania authorities will punish you for not following their rules on this matter and drive around with an expired license because "muh public safety", they let people from other states drive around Pennsylvania even though they might come from a state where people can go for a much longer time to get their licenses renewed. Safety my ass.

here in the uk it is very expensive business to obtain a driving licence. with multiple courses in the name of safety creating a whole industry of instructors examiners and no end of meaningless paper pushing. it is not uncommon for new drivers to fail our driving test multiple times.with the only option being to pay the fees again , book another appointment and keep churning through the system until you get a pass. when I moved to a small town called bear river nova scotia canada I realized the test was just a simple form to fill a few dollars and a quick drive around the block . my wife and son also paid the fee and passed the test 1st time with no traffic on the road it was too easy! as uk citizens we are required by law to get the Canadian licence if staying there any length of time and is valid for five years. the great thing is to my sons delight it is also valid back in the uk Europe and the states so now travels back there every five years to renew it having a holiday at the same time. when in Canada I hand over a uk licence if stopped by the cops when in uk show the Canadian one what ever happens I enjoy being different and gaming there own system .it,s not totally non compliance but my was of resisting the controls over me wherever I am at the time . its always handy to have one or two back ups. I have even thought you could start a whole new business flying people to easy pass places who are having trouble passing a driving test in there own over crowded city/ country who desperately need them to function. there is always a positive spin other than just obey and comply i like tossing spanners in the works legally .

In the '70s I wanted to list my name in the phone book as Donald Duck because that was my nick name. MABELL refused citing copyright infringement. I changed by request to Don L. Duck and they agreed. Also, I found a way to stop filing the income tax form that worked by gaming the system.

Thank you for your unique "outsider" perspective. My theory on why it is so hard there and EU is that this is a control mechanism. Driving is freer than public transport. For govt. freedom is to be eliminated, except the "freedom" to produce wealth for the state.