It’s happening everywhere, citizens stripped of one right after another, governments using propaganda and even public school systems and universities to push their agendas.
Taking away guns only protects the government from the people, your cry of foul is with merit, and I believe it’s time not only there but everywhere people push back, there’s more protest today against liberty, and a demand for government support to gain control of the people, that’s the part I find ironic, in that the people are demanding government to take control.
I always end back at the Hegelian principle...
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We gotta speak more about this; it seems our voices are fading underneath fear of breaking the new, unjust laws.
That's true. Somehow it's a topic that I find people are uncomfortable even discussing. I find that bizarre.
You hit the nail on the head and certainly it's one of life's ironies that we are instrumental in the deconstruction of our own liberty. What's that saying? "Tyranny is never more than a generation away". Thanks for the thoughtful comment 👍