In the UK!

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People have been walking into Police Stations wanting to report a crime! I love this!!! The crime that they are wanting to report to Police has been the fact that Theresa May (Prime Mini-Stirer) is breaking the law! They are correct...... She is breaking the law! Obviously, they were told to go away but it just goes to show that they are sick and tired/ totally fed-up (me included) with the UK Government thinking that they are doing this for us..... the killing of innocent people, getting involved with things that they don`t even understand (as they have no proof still) and also that by doing this they are putting our Country more into debt (because they need to borrow the money from the Central Bank to fund this operation)! This bombing of Syria is... NOT IN MY BLOOD NAME!!!

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In the UK we have children going to school on empty stomachs (because their parents struggle to make financial ends meet), bucket-loads of homeless people, disabled people having their benefits cut (due to AGGRESSIVE Government funding cuts), millions of unemployed people etc. etc. etc. But Theresa thinks that by getting involved in another countries civil-war half way around the world is doing the British people a favour/ helping to enrich our lives??? She is nothing more than an insane psychopath that holds a position of power where her immediate interests are doing the right thing for the UK Arms Industry, Multi-National Corporations and without doubt lining her own pockets and that of the Conservative Party (Lobbyists)! We no longer live in a democratic Capitalist country (and that has been clearly evident since Blair in 2003)..... we live a country that is run by Corporatism where only Corporate Interests are important in real political agendas! It is time to take our country back and that begins by taking away their power and that begins by taking away their money by ditching it for a parallel monetary system which is not debt-based and has been in existance since 2008 (Bitcoin)!


Not only does a cryptocurrency cut-out the middle-man (inc. banks) as it is a peer-to-peer (person to person) currency but it is far easier and faster to use! The UK has approx. a population of sixty-seven (67) Million people compared to only a handful of those insane psychopaths! It is about time that we stopped being distracted by little petty disagreements and differences which plays right into the hands of those Politicians and Companies that want to keep their power and control over us all! IT`S TIME TO GET A GRIP!!!!

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Am an American, but I see your po nt clearly. We have some of the same problems over in our side of the world! Am disabled by a disease, so I have been collecting social security since 2005.

The trade I went to college for and worked in for many years was network engineering. Not too many wiring closets are made with a wheelchair bound person in mind. When I lost my ability to walk after living through many relapses of my multiple sclerosis, had to find a new way to work out my frustrations. So I type (illegible handwriting).

As far as you being insane because you do not agree with the status quo, I doubt it. Think it is proof you maybe down with a severe case of sanity!

Thank you. When in a mad-house full of crazy people it is the sane people that appear crazy and insane to them. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Jeanette. x