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RE: Right to Self-Defense

in #government8 years ago

Governments have directly led to the unnatural deaths of more people than anything else the world has ever known, yet people trust Governments and hand their defensive weapons over to them. What sense does that make? We should be limiting the power that Governments have over our lives, not disarming ourselves and thus giving them unlimited power. Most people look at guns as being a tool for personal protection or for hunting, but you should really look at it as a balance of power. It gives the weakest members of society the ability to defend their right to live against the stongest on nearly equal terms. It also dissuades Governments from deciding to exterminate those minorities that they deem to be undesirable. How many times does history have to repeat itself for people to understand that when a Government wants to disarm its citizens it is not because they love you and that they are looking out for your best interest! Consider all of the genicides that have taken place and that are in progress as examples. Armed citizens are a balance of power against the advent of an abusive Government, without it you are at their mercy! I love my Country and I support and defend my Government, but I do not trust absolute power in the hands of wicked man because I have read history and I know what can happen.