I was just posting this Wall Street on Parade story to a friend in India recommending a Russian Amazon site only a few hours before I saw your post!
Anyone who thinks Bernie Sanders is going to go independent by people wishing and hoping are living in Candy Land (fun board game, but there is a reason it is for children lol.
He is going to have to be PUSHED and PULLED, and the only ones who can do it are those (we) in the disenfranchised middle (yes, we who had the power to muck up the last election)!
I recommend to take a good look at this video about the liberty movement focused on the state of NH. Sure it is probably funded by the usual self-serving oligarchs. But a key factor for its success is its branding as a bi-partisan coalition. It is time for the independents, alt-left, alt-right, and left+right leaning libertarians to unify forces into a ideologically diverse coalition force unified around a passion and commitment to grass-roots, self-sufficient, representative governance! I call this "issue-based quantum coalition politics" and it is a real-politik of focusing on overturning political and economic authoritarianism and corruption as the first priority. (Remaining issues can be decided by run off votes, or , but concepts of liberty self-determination are still paramount guiding values and themes).