NSA Warrantless Spying Expected To Expire Soon

in #government8 years ago (edited)

The NSA has been spying on millions of people for several years now and the opportunity to dramatically limit that spying apparatus is allegedly coming at the end of this year, with Section 207 of FISA set to expire.

That particular section needs to receive re-approval but many civil liberties advocates and legal experts etc, are insisting that the rules first be reformed so that they protect against widespread dragnet surveillance that has been occurring for quite some time now.

Section 702 of FISA, which is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, is the section that provides for warrantless surveillance of Americans; engaged in conversations with others from foreign countries. This legislation has authorized the NSA to collect a myriad of communications including things like instant messages, phone calls, e-mails, and more.

Just last week, the Electronic Frontier Foundation asked the Supreme Court to analyze a case of an American who had been convicted with evidence that was gathered under Section 207 of FISA; they filed a petition to have the court officially review that case.

This isn't the only fight against Section 702 either, as the ACLU and Wikimedia have also allegedly sued the government over their use of that specific legislation and other legal petitions have also been filed in regards to this matter.

Congress is being pressured not to renew Section 702, though there are many in the intelligence community who insist that these unconstitutional powers are necessary in the fight against terrorism.

Legal and privacy advocates maintain that Section 702 might result in the warrantless collection of communications for hundreds of millions of Americans.

To make matters worse for the NSA, declassified files recently released by the ACLU, allegedly show that the agency violated a number of civil liberty protections by engaging in improper use of NSA search materials. As well, they also allegedly improperly disseminated raw intelligence on citizens and they failed to delete any unauthorized data in a prompt manner.

The NSA has responded in saying that those files don't give a well rounded picture as to the overall efficiency of the agency, claiming that they only relate to less than one percent of their collected data.

Despite justifications for the use of Section 702, the reality is that it gives the state the authority to violate what should be Constitutionally-protected natural rights, by enabling them to seize and search through the communications of hundreds of millions of people. They are collecting this information without any warrant or any probable cause and it has thus contributed to the erosion of liberty for Americans for far too long.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

Gizmodo via gizmodo.com/the-nsa-oversteps-its-legal-authority-and-the-court-can-1152184383
Tenthamendmentcenter via tenthamendmentcenter.com/2014/07/10/spying-on-innocents-the-nsas-unconstitutional-general-warrant/


https://www.wired.com/story/warrantless-us-spying-is-set-to-expire-soon-let-it-die/ http://www.insidesources.com/supreme-court-asked-look-warrantless-nsa-spying-powers/ https://www.eff.org/press/releases/eff-urges-supreme-court-take-unconstitutional-nsa-surveillance-reverse-dangerous https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/08/us/nsa-phone-records-collection-ruled-illegal-by-appeals-court.html?mcubz=3 https://sputniknews.com/military/201707271055922592-nsa-fbi-violations-702/ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/25/section-702-surveillance-authority-no-extension-un/ https://www.onthewire.io/petition-asks-supreme-court-to-review-section-702-surveillance/

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That picture needs to also include a "smart"phone and a "smart"TV! Also gaming consoles, baby monitors, and whatever else connects to the internet...up'd and r'stmd

They might give the appearance of cutting back on intelligence gathering. However its more likely that they are doing this more then ever. Watergate scandal where they wire tapped one building almost got nixon impeached. Obama announces they are basically spying on every american and not a whole lot happened. Times have changed clearly, people are so passive they don't care if they are being monitored every second of every day. Great post !

They have implemented 1984 they are not going to roll it back, even if they say they are gonna stop don't believe it

The most offensive is that this information does not help against terrorists!

Good read. Quick reminder they've stated they're going to "withdraw" their actions quite a few times, and every time they broaden their lenses.

Sure they will cut back. I don't buy that for a millisecond. Lame PR attempt.
It will only expand. F+R

Gotta agree with you on this. I can't imagine them just saying "Well no more spying, lets just close up shop and do something else." They want power and control over everything and theres no way a law expiring is going to stop them.

I think this will definitely still continue to happen like the many things that happen behind the scenes with the public not knowing.

The thing is they can say they've stopped spying on people, but who can really tell if they haven't gone more clandestine than before? Big Brother must watch :)

for safety :) lol

Yeah, they are the Big Brother, always looking after our best interest. Lol

Even if they say that they will be eliminating certain areas, projects, staff, etc of the NSA, do you believe them? It's like believing what a politician says...

Even if Section 207 of FISA expires, do you really think this will stop NSA from doing whatever it deems appropriate to gather what intel it needs! By their very charter, which states that any law that does not mention NSA by name, is not applicable to them!

Take a minute and let that sink in!!!

And failing that, they can just get the intel from a foreign government that they have a collateral arrangement with. Some people are so Naive!

I can neither confirm nor deny the fact that the last 3 years I was in the Navy was spent at the National Security Agency!

lols, lmao

Just my 2 cents

As always I upvote/follow/resteem those that do the same for me! Just don't spam my feed or will unfollow/mute

I wouldn't be surprised if they find an excuse to extend the duration...

Oh no, we better have another false flag to justify more breaches of freedom!

This is bogus and it should have NEVER been allowed to spy on its citizens because that is an act of treason if u ask me. I highly doubt though that it will expire since the government is always making excuses such as terrorism. Even if the spying expires, we the PEOPLE have the POWER to abolish the government in replace of a better one. That my friend is in the constitution my friends. We as a whole have the power to run the government and make it do to the peoples will, not the other way around. Read & get educated on the amendments and constitution because it WILL give you power,knowledge & best yet... FREEDOM,LIBERTY, & The pursuit of HAPPINESS.

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No one in America believes they are going to stop spying on their citizens..

In this era of digital inventions, we all are forced to be controlled by the machines sooner or later.

Reminds me of Snowden. If not for him then this would have remained the best kept secret since the beginning of the human race to ever violate the rights of people.!

In a free society spying would require our permission , government has gotten to big for our own good and are bringing a time of fascism back .
I believe only a massive decrease in voting can change this .

Wouldn't that be nice if it actually expires and nothing worse gets put in its place....fingers crossed.

Also thanks for being a good curator, I've seen you upvote a ton of really great posts including one or two of mine. Keep doing what you do.

But do you really think the expiration of this (law?) Will change how the NSA acts? We don't really know anything about the NSA, or even how powerful they truly are.

But one thing I know is that they won't stop spying. I honestly think it's naive to think you aren't being monitored these days. These people don't need laws or the government to spy.

Just my opinion :) Sure lots of people disgree!

please don't spam the same comment over and over👍