The War On Plastic Straws

in #government6 years ago (edited)

Plastic straws are one of the most common items collected during ocean cleanups today.

Endless amounts of straws can be found in landfills worldwide and it's suggested that it could take up to 200 years for a single plastic straw to degrade. Plastic pollution is an issue which many people care enough to try and address, but is a war on plastic straws and cups etc via the state the only or best answer to the problem?

To try and “solve” this problem, government officials in a variety of jurisdictions have made moves to ban plastic bags, along with single-use plastic straws and utensils.

They are places like Seattle, San Francisco, and Malibu.

Aside from government restrictions, a growing number of companies have also vowed to do away with straws and other plastic items for good either right away or within just a few years.

Why Not Make It Against The Law?

Saying that you don't think plastic straws should be made illegal doesn't mean that you're in favor of plastic pollution, it means that you don't think people should be locked up in a cage or fined for using a straw, bag, or cup. You could be against plastic straw criminalization and yet still think it's a great idea to opt for alternatives voluntarily that might be better for the environment.

There isn't any law that is too minor.

That is because disobedience of any law and the refusal to accept punishment for that action at any time could ultimately result in someone losing their life. In other words, someone could lose their life over a plastic straw.

That is what you're calling for when you're calling for plastic straws to be made illegal. And if we aren't willing to kill to enforce these laws then we shouldn't be passing them. Because if someone refuses to obey them, and refuses to accept punishment, they are going to be required to pay the ultimate price.

Jail time and other initiations of violence shouldn't be necessary when it comes to pondering solutions that might help reduce plastic pollution worldwide. Trying to reduce plastic pollution around the world is likely an idea that millions of people would find appealing, they'd be willing to voluntarily contribute to a solution without any threat of violence being required.

Education Is Key

It's likely that there aren't many people who are aware of how long it takes a plastic straw to naturally degrade, or that there is a great deal of the plastic material that we sort for recycling which doesn't end up being recycled and likely will end up in a landfill, being incinerated, or floating in the ocean. If more people were aware of the reality and the impact of their decisions, then that might prompt them to make different decisions.

Companies can also play a critical role in helping to educate consumers with informational campaigns. As well, if a private business wants to do away with plastic straws and resort to using something else then that is a great way to fuel demand for reasonable plastic straw alternatives. And they should be free to decide what sort of straw they'd like to use, they shouldn't be forced to opt for one over another.

Many companies have already announced their commitment to doing away with plastic straws, they are businesses like A&W, IKEA, and Starbucks.

You can now find a variety of straw alternatives today on the market: paper, glass, bamboo, hemp, and more.

In many circumstances, hemp would prove to be a viable solution to plastic and there are already a growing variety of hemp products that you can purchase on the market today. There are many thousands of potential uses for hemp so it could prove valuable in being used as an alternative to plastic for many items that we regularly use.

As well, you can find a myriad of restaurants today that have already switched over to using paper straws or some other variety. But the battle against plastic straws, bags, and other items, is still brewing with government officials in various regions. And though the intentions of those behind this battle might be well-meaning, there could be some unintended consequences.

The Need For Straws

There are some circumstances where some individuals with a myriad of health issues, might require the use of a straw.

Specifically, they might require the use of plastic, bendy straws, that can easily help to facilitate drinking. And they might not always be prepared and have one on them, if they find themselves needing a drink. The alternatives that they are offered also might not work for them depending on what they're drinking or what their physical limitations are etc. Because there are some people out there who might honestly require assistance from these straws, we shouldn't impose widespread violent restrictions on their use that carelessly overlook the limitations of the individual.

Disabled rights activists have continued to speak out against the plastic straw ban, they insist that the changes will impose unnecessary hardships on them.


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A Hemp Solution To Plastic

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Indeed. Every law boils down to, "submit or die." We need people to work toward offering solutions on the market, not mandating prohibitions in legislatures.

A local restaurant has found the right solution: they don't automatically give us a straw. Instead, they are available on request. It's a win-win situation

Thank you! The alternatives to plastic straws are not that easy to find and they are significantly more expensive. So banning them will just be making people's lives more difficult.

Besides, people can continue campaigning and create awareness about the harmful effects of plastic straws, just don't turn them into laws. At least, not until the alternatives are readily and inexpensively available.

Making a law over this is entirely shtuuuupid.
If there was a better alternative, then it would already be in use.

What makes me even more mad is that the plastic straw is an excellent use of plastic and energy. It is able to be made very thin and extruded easily.

Paper straws, in comparison, use much more energy to create, as well as uses a lot of fairly nasty chemicals. And then, the wax.

If we actually used trash burning power plants, it would even end its life giving most of its energy back.

Why don't politicians work on trash burning power plants?

Because it's a practical market solution that doesn't let them fulfill their title of "lawmaker" or take stands that sound good in a news clip?

@doitvoluntarily is a reality of environmental pollution that probocan all the products of plastics, bags, bottles and now the straws. I do not believe that the solution goes through prohibiting the use. we have proofs that with prohibitions nothing is gained, we must emphasize the awareness of the use and recycling of plastic in people, prohibit and solve for a while, educate and eradicate the problem
Many sgracia spor publish dear friend

I've recently started to decrease my plastic use. I bought stainless straws (expensive by the way), replaced my plastic containers with glass jar and stainless steel sandwich boxes, and I bring my own cup and straw to cafes

Here in Florida, both Disney and SeaWorld have stopped using them.

Still waiting for McDonalds to do the right thing.

Never thought the straws are the greatest problem, @doitvoluntarily. To me, plastic bottles looks like indestructible garbage :(

Ringkasan anda sangat menakjubkan dan sangat berguna bagi kita semua.

@doitvoluntarily Now it has become trend to use of plastic bags, plastic straws and plastic plates for fast food۔ Because of them every beautiful place looked dirty and Garbage .

That seems more like an example of the tragedy of the commons than a direct consequence of plastics. When people have no ownership, they become careless. It's a mater of incentives, and as a reault, governments threaten harm as a poor substitute in a misguided attempt to fix it.

Hello you write good artical. It is about cleaning. We should clean our environment and government also participate to clean plastic garbage that is couse of pollution. Government should collect all plastic wastage and store it for recycling. Thank you.

We need private property rights and consumer choice, not government theft and threats in an attempt to outweigh the tragedy of the commons.

Here in our country straw are made in the paper to reduce plastic.
in the market we are obliged to bring bags so that plastic bags will not be used anymore.

kudos to your great advocacy hope many people will read this blog.


It is also bad when that thing is eaten by marine creatures and they die because of it especially plastic bags and nets. It has to be banned but in the other hand plastics are useful for our modern times and it is essential for our daily lives.
Maybe plastic straws and bags must be eliminated completely.