"Good" way to do wrong?

in #government5 years ago


There is no "right" or "good" system of political government.

If there were it would mean there is a "right" or "good" way to rob, kidnap, murder, or otherwise molest people... and there's not. It's just not within the range of possibilities.

Trying to govern other people is always wrong. It is exactly as wrong as refusing to govern yourself.

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Where i have a problem with this is children and grown people who have the mental capacity of children.

These people need help governing themselves.

Govern-cement is the worst way of taking care of that, but i do not know a great way that works in all, or even most, cases.

Especially the grown people who have the mental capacity of children. Because they can become an extreme danger to others.

To have keepers for those, paid for voluntarily, is not a problem. The problem is when you decide it's such an issue that it makes it OK to rob and control others who are not like that. The exceptions shouldn't be the excuse for making a rule for everyone.