without a government,
we need firemen, utilities, which I don’t think should be in the hands of businessmen, airports, roads, prisons etc.
you trust government more than you trust businessmen?
you should really like your neighbor to the south then
it doesn't have much business left..
but it's certainly got government.
Well, if you put it that way, government in most countries is mostly composed of businessmen. By the way which government to the south?
Shirely you've heard of what's happening in Venezuela?
Oh, Venezuela, I have never been there so I don't know what is really going on there I can't have an opinion, but I can tell you historically the most fucked up countries in the whole American continent have been Haiti and Honduras, and they still are, and we have a very friendly for business government, yet if we didn't have over 1 million immigrants in the US and Europe we would probably be eating each other, and not in a good way. So don't think a country ruled by businessmen like Honduras is such a big deal.
better run em off them
I mean all those poor people who are left can
do ok without all those stupid businesses..
I really can't explain it to you, you would have to live down here to understand how things really are. By the way I see you do believe in the MSM when you want to, about Venezuela, I guess they are screwed but couldn't it be fake news? By the way I had a debate with one guy above and one of my answers was this "I live in Central America and nearly everything is privatized and because of that we are much poorer, on the other hand my country Honduras, which is the poorest in Central America also has 270 millionaires including 1 billionaire they are worth about 28,ooo million USD as a whole which is more than our yearly GDP, thanks to the privatization of these services."
certainly...so you should nationalize the country.
how's it working out for Zimbabwe
Never been to Zimbabwe Everitt, but mostly all African countries regardless of the ideology of their goverments are in bad shape, maybe it's because of colonialism?