What keeps me busy this day? getting our building permit, business permit, occupancy permit for our rental apartment! Can't believe that we are still living in the world where making things "legal" can be our worst nightmare. The ease of doing a small business here in the Philippines is not easy.

The government officials are the best in the waiting game challenge.
They know that time is gold that is why this is their tactic for making you desperate to follow their own set of rules. Example: It takes time and many revisions to approve your building plan specially if your architect is not from their city hall.

The government favors the Big companies. Why? because bigger companies usually have connections to a government official or the bigger companies is usually owned by a government official or its relative which make their life more bearable than a small business owner.

Jaw dropping experienced on government officials asking for additional fees that are not included in your official receipt. They are the ones who are asking for money so that they will not inspect your establishment or they will not ask additional paper works.

Ease of Doing a Business Indicators: (from World Bank)

Philippines ranked 103 among 189 countries in ease of doing business.

If doing business in the Philippines is without red tape more people would likely be happy to pay their taxes and more people will register their business. Corruption and favoritism from city hall officials should be put to end.
Philippines ranked 103 among 189 countries in ease of doing business.
If doing business in the Philippines is without red tape more people would likely be happy to pay their taxes and more people will register their business. Corruption and favoritism from city hall officials should be put to end.