
And you would you a tank in this situation? What about the innocent collateral damage? These people have been on the radar, why weren't they take out before they drove the van into the crowd?

  1. if it was me and I had to deal with a knife wielding man and I had a tank clearly that would be my first choice. you wouldn't?
  2. they are pretty tough on the road surface but as long as you don't actually launch incendiary rounds into a building filled with women and children like Janet Reno then there ought to be less collateral damage or risk to innocents, like when the NYPD shot 9 innocent bystanders while trying to shoot at one guy who they didn't even have to shoot at, if they had a tank they could have apprehended him without shooting all those people.
  3. That's the important question. Because if they never let any succeed how could they justify all of their efforts they say are to counter the threat? If terrorists did not exist, wouldn't they have to create some?

I think that is what makes you and I different, my friend. There are more peaceful ways to deal with violence. Violence only begets more violence. I choose a more peaceful path.

if it was me and I had to deal with a knife-wielding man and I had a tank clearly that would be my first choice. you wouldn't?

No, I wouldn't. I have been facet to face with a weapon on several ocassions and I did not need a tank to disarm the person.

I didn't say "need" I said want and that was only because you didn't have one handy. The tank is the peaceful path, the knife wielder is safer because the people who have to deal with him are safe from him. police tanks are typically outfitted for defensive use. except that one janet reno had.