The Red Pill: Take It: Part Two — by Hugh Mungus

in #government7 years ago (edited)


"Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that all to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait ’til their judgment day comes"

― Black Sabbath *

  • Black Sabbath:

If governments were people, they would have been sentenced to countless executions by now, for the innumerable murders they've committed. Still, we humans continue to enable a force that has — throughout history — massacred us in droves, to do what it pleases.

Do we possess a death wish? What else can explain the lack of caring we display for our own lives?

Government is the ultimate Mafia. You pay both for "protection" against nothing. Even though U.S. citizens are informed China is their adversary, we've flown into Hong Kong International Airport. In fact, we stayed a week there — holed up — as the events of September 11, 2001 unfolded. We were neither accosted, nor threatened, nor held at gunpoint by enraged Chinese citizens during our stay. Proof positive what the United States' government is offering "protection" from is a fabricated and false menace.

Democracy is defined as government by the people. Being one of these people, do you feel you're governing anything?

If so, you're a shitty leader who hates him or herself.

How else would you explain your indentured servitude for 40 hours a week — at a place you loathe — that barely allows you to keep a roof over your head?

When politicians amass trillions of dollars by turning on the money machine and "legally" counterfeiting, yet you don't have enough to buy a can of peas, what exactly are you ruling over?

Did you choose to exterminate more than 1,000,000 people — most of them innocent civilians — in Iraq?

Did you determine to pay a bureaucracy to keep secrets from you for your own "benefit?"

Did you decide to bequeath large sums of your paycheck to a dominion that refuses to show you what it does behind closed doors?

In reality, you're not in control of anything at all, are you?

Most don't know it, but the word government derives from the Latin verb "gubernare" — meaning "to control," and the Latin noun "mens" — which translates to "mind." Thus, the term government literally means "mind control." ** ***

** Gubernare definition:

*** Mens definition:

Thanks to the advent and proliferation of the Internet, this fact is readily available.

Now knowing the definition of the word government, why would you believe anything this suppressive entity — which you solely fund, and thereby allow to be — has to say?

In the words of George Carlin:

I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero. ****

**** George Carlin:

End the monetary system, and government disappears at your whim.

Do you like being controlled, enslaved, surveilled and exterminated? If so, what the fuck is your problem? You have the key to unlock your handcuffs, yet choose to remain subjugated? Creepier than the vision of the Pope as a professional babysitter.

In the words of Frederick Douglass:

"Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." *****

***** Jamail, Dahr. (2009). The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Haymarket Books. ISBN: 1931859882

"Isms," "ologies" and "ocracies." Self-appointed leaders will offer them up as readily as a proud grandmother dispensing freshly-baked biscuits. When it came to Hitler, it was fascism. For Stalin, Stalinism. Bush, Clinton, Obama — and the rest of the 44 fuckups we've called presidents — trumpet their particular brand of corruption under the banner of democracy.

In truth, isms, ologies and ocracies are all the same. They all mean control. You can wrap a lit stick of dynamite in a hot dog bun, slather it in condiments and refer to it as a frankfurter, but you're still biting down on a lethal explosive.

From regime to regime, era to era, bureaucracies have immutably oppressed, while the masses have perpetually been enslaved.

Regard our paradigm as a pyramid. At the top are those who run the show; at the bottom, the populace. In between is knowledge suppressed from the multitudes, and thus used to keep the public in the dark.

In the past, government control came in the form of an Old World Order; i.e. this domination was vested in one person, known as a king. This monarch was at the top of the pyramid, and the population at the bottom.

Today, we have a New World Order, whereby a small faction of individuals — known as government — replaces the king. The public still remains at the bottom of the pyramid, and in between lies the wisdom being kept from us all.

Old World Order, New World Order: It's the same shit. There are just a few more folks at the top of the pyramid reaping all the benefits.

The reason Old World Orders were replaced by New is because the population wouldn't fall for a single leader these days. Kings are seen as primitive and outdated, even though governments are the same thing, with solely some extra individuals at the ruling apex. ******

****** Mark Passio: Street-Wise Spirituality:

Ask yourself how Barack Obama is any different than a despot? He's not. He declares war whenever he pleases; and thus exterminates innocents with the swish of his pen. He kills via drone strikes as it suits him. He levies constraining mandates on whomever he wants. The only way Barack Obama, George Bush, or any other president differs from a king is in name. Refer to him as a king, and the public envisions nightmarish, feudal imprisonment. Call him a president, and the ignorant masses see democracy through rose-colored glasses.

Dub it an old piece of garbage, and nobody wants it. Refer to it as an antique, and everybody has to have it. Edward Bernays' legacy in action. Please see the Unraveled blog for further details:

In the end, whether the Old World Order, or New, both equate to slavery for the masses.

Via the CIA, FBI, NSA, and a slew of asinine, acronym government agencies, the president can not only spy on you, but have you arrested and murdered. Can you do the same to him?

When was the last time you declared bombing raids on a city filled with innocent citizens — thereby murdering tens of thousands — and weren't only provided immunity from the gas chamber, but granted a private jet to be chauffeured around in?

Isn't it strange how Hillary Clinton can openly admit:

"The people we are fighting today we funded 20 years ago. […]

It was President Reagan in partnership with the Congress, lead by Democrats, who said, 'You know what? Sounds like a pretty good idea. Let's deal with the ISI [ISIS] and the Pakistani military, and let's go recruit these Mujahideen. […] Let's get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places.' " *******

******* Hillary Clinton al-Qaeda admission:

Isn't it even more bizarre how the population of the U.S. still backs coalition troops decimating areas filled with blameless people, in order to ferret out something they created? What of president after president asserting, "We refuse to negotiate with terrorists"? Isn't funding and spawning terrorists negotiating with them?

Moreover, why isn't the United States populace seeking revenge from the government for the alleged attacks on 9/11? Weren't we just apprised by Hillary Clinton al-Qaeda was created by the U.S. bureaucracy? Haven't we been told for the past 13 years — by that same regime — al-Qaeda is to blame for ruin wreaked on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Outraged masses didn't solely pursue vengeance on Frankenstein's monster; they went after Dr. Frankenstein, as well.

If a Pit Bull escapes its pen, running rampant through a town, killing six children, you don't just shoot the dog. You additionally go after the owner, since it's his fault for placing people in harm's way.

Consider countries the United States ritualistically attacks are far weaker opponents. The U.S. is the fearful playground bully, afraid to throw a punch at a foe his size.

Cogitate how these Third World nations, the United States invades, fortuitously happen to possess natural resources — typically oil — the U.S. covets. This is about as coincidental as the sunrise.

What's really happening — while folks watch their soap operas or football games — can be summed up by John Perkins, a former Economic Hit Man for the U.S. government:

"That is what we EHMs [Economic Hit Men] do best: we build a global empire. We are an elite group of men and women who utilize international financial organizations to foment conditions that make other nations subservient to the corporatocracy running our biggest corporations, our government, and our banks. Like our counterparts in the Mafia, EHMs provide favors. These take the form of loans to develop infrastructure — electric generating plants, highways, ports, airports, or industrial parks. A condition of such loans is that engineering and construction companies from our own country must build all these projects. In essence, most of the money never leaves the United States; it is simply transferred from banking offices in Washington to engineering offices in New York, Houston, or San Francisco.

Despite the fact that the money is returned almost immediately to corporations that are members of the corporatocracy (the creditor), the recipient country is required to pay it all back, principal plus interest. If an EHM is completely successful, the loads are so large that the debtor is forced to default on its payments after a few years. When this happens, then like the Mafia we demand our pound of flesh. This often includes one or more of the following: control over United Nations votes, the installation of military bases, or access to precious resources such as oil or the Panama Canal. Of course, the debtor still owes us the money — and another country is added to our global empire."

Perkins elucidates how EHM strive to coerce leaders of Third World nations into accepting these unethical loans, at the expense of their populaces. Behind closed doors, bribes are offered. In the end, though, if rulers refuse to sell out, thus remaining loyal to their people:

"an even more sinister breed steps in, ones we EHMs refer to as the jackals, men who trace their heritage directly to those earlier empires. The jackals are always there, lurking in the shadows. When they emerge, heads of state are overthrown or die in violent 'accidents.' And if by chance the jackals fail, as they failed in Afghanistan and Iraq, then the old models resurface. When the jackals fail, young Americans are sent to kill and to die."

Even though we're told this system of government currently killing us is a democracy, in our species' recorded history, there's never been such an order on Earth. You hear it all the time: "The United States is the first democracy ever!" Such is incorrect, as ancient Greece developed the term, using it to incarcerate and kill its population. Why wouldn't this non-existent body known as the U.S. do the same?

The goal of government — via the meaning of the term — is to control. Through control, anything's possible for this entity. In our current situation, it appears government wishes to exterminate as many of us as it can. From Fukushima raging unchecked, to the majority of nuclear power plants leaking their lethal product daily; from free energy being suppressed, to the unnecessary burning of toxic fossil fuels, governments are furtively doing everything they can to kill us. Anybody who condones the actions of those who are destroying us are what's known as morally culpable; i.e. they, themselves, are also guilty of this annihilation. Thus, soldiers who carry out orders given by corrupt leaders are liable. Those supporting the soldiers — family, friends, etc. — are also responsible.

The question arises concerning who is more morally culpable — the order-givers or the order-takers; i.e. rulers or soldiers.

The answer is the soldiers.

They pulled triggers, dropped bombs and fired mortars that killed the innocent civilians. Presidents solely gave the commands to do so, but didn't commit the actual acts. Hence, order-followers — who could refuse to commit these atrocities — are to blame, should they fire that RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) or shoot into an open crowd.

When it comes to soldiers, only they can pull the trigger. In the same token, only they can drop their guns and refuse to fight. ********

******** Mark Passio: Street-Wise Spirituality:

As stated in the Unraveled blog, soldiers are nothing more than hired killers. The ignorant or obstinate may euphemize, but consider the following:

Soldiers are paid, right? Hence, they're hired.

In addition, they aren't provided brooms nor dustpans when sent into battle. That would make them salaried floor sweepers. Soldiers aren't bequeathed sponges, nor buckets of soapy water. Thus, they aren't compensated car cleaners. Since they're neither provided paint brushes nor paint, it can be concluded they aren't paid house painters.

No, soldiers are given guns when sent into battle, and the only use for a gun is to kill.

Therefore, soldiers are hired killers. Don't kid yourself.

Additionally, don't deceive yourself that soldiers of every other country are innately evil, but those sporting U.S. uniforms are magically ethical, and actually peace keepers. If they promoted peace, they'd refuse to carry guns.

In addition, many soldiers claim to be fighting for democracy, but they're lying. They're fighting for money. Want proof? How many of them would face gunfire and lethal explosions if they weren't getting paid?

This said, unknown to most, numerous soldiers decline to follow orders given them by their respective governments, and therefore say, "No" to killing. It happens all the time, although you'll never hear about it — or anything else of worth — in mainstream media.

Perhaps some have figured out the dog tags bequeathed them equate to collars a master would place around his canine's throat. Dog tags designate nothing more than the attack dogs of the "elite." *********

********* Mark Passio: A Message to the Military:

To cite Henry Kissinger:

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." **********

********** Henry Kissinger:

And ol' Hank's been part of the government how many decades now?

From U.S soldiers painting slogans the likes of "Fuck the War" and "Fuck the U.S. Marine Corps" on bathroom walls in Iraq, to military in the United States protesting any invasion, people are getting the message. Countless individuals are now comprehending the actual enemy is government of any kind, including their own.

Take the story of Steve Casey — a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), and an ardent protestor of the armed forces:

"I watched soldiers firing into the radiators and windows of oncoming vehicles. Those who didn't turn around at checkpoints were neutralized one way or another. Well over twenty times I personally witnessed this."

Jason Hurd — previously based in Baghdad — now also disagrees with the U.S. occupation of Iraq:

"We fired indiscriminately at this building. Things like that happened every day in Iraq. We reacted out of fear for our lives, and we reacted with total destruction. Over time, as the absurdity of war set in, individuals from my unit indiscriminately opened fire at vehicles driving down the wrong side of the road. People in my unit would later brag. I remember how appalled I was that we could be laughing about such things, but that was the reality…We're disrupting not only the lives of Iraqis but also the lives of our veterans with this occupation. If a foreign occupying force came here to the United States, do you not think that every person that has a shotgun would fight for his right for self-determination? Ladies and gentleman, that country is suffering from our occupation, and ending that suffering begins with the total and immediate withdrawal of all of our troops."

Whilst in Ramadi, Iraq, Eli Wright witnessed the following, and hence now denounces the war:

"It was the scent of blood that hit me immediately on walking in there. It was a sort of old, stale scent of blood that had just permeated that place for a long time. And they walked us inside and there was this prisoner in there, completely naked except for a small little cloth tied around his waist, and he was standing up on top of a cinder block that was placed on end. They said that he had been there for three days. His scabbed hands, tied with zip ties that cut into his wrists were purple and swollen. This guy had the most confused, glazed look on his face.

He was being interrogated by several men who were just grilling him. They said he had been up for three days in this interrogation process. He had not slept. He had been standing on this cinder block for most of the time. They had this bucket of water, which they would splash on him whenever he dozed off. They took him off the cinder block and stood him against the wall and told us to start checking him out. And I didn't even know where to begin. He was covered in bruises, his face was all busted up and bleeding. This other medic started to check him out. Our task was more or less to see if the guy was stable, to ascertain if he was in any condition to continue his interrogation. […]

He was complaining of pain on the side of his chest, on his back. He had a lot of bruising on his ribs, so the medic started feeling his ribs, and he pressed on a couple of his ribs and the guy just screamed in pain and sort of buckled. They picked him up and slammed his back against the wall. […] I verified that his ribs were broken and the medic started feeling around the rest of the area around his ribs to feel if there were any more fractures, and then suddenly he cocked his fist back and punched him right in the broken ribs. And the guy just dropped and screamed. I was stunned. It shocked the hell out of me.

It was an important moment for me. Seeing a medic, a fellow care provider, violate our code of ethics, which is first and foremost to do no harm […] That's when I realized that we weren't there to help anybody. […] I never talked to anybody else about it. I was going to testify about it in Winter Soldier but was not able to. […]

The reason I did not speak out about what I felt all through my time in Iraq and later was fear of the consequences. Because I felt I was alone."

Innumerable accounts, like those above, will never be featured in mainstream media — more accurately called the propaganda arm of government. The public will be spuriously informed disgruntled soldiers are but a select few, and this unrest is to be expected from a small faction, when so many people are involved.

Back in reality, vast numbers of the armed forces don't agree with what they're doing, and many are turning to resistance in various forms. Some — being unable to cope with the situation — take extreme measures. Such was the quandary of Army reservist Douglas Barber, who wrote the following in an Internet article:

"This war on terror has become a personal war for so many, yet the Bush administration do not want to reveal to America that this is a personal war. They want to run it like a business, and thus they refuse to show the personal sacrifices the soldiers and their families have made […].

All is not OK or right for those of us who return home alive and supposedly well. What looks like normalcy and readjustment is only an illusion to be revealed by time and torment. Some soldiers come home with missing limbs and other parts of their bodies. Still others will live with permanent scars from horrific events that no one other than those who served will understand. We come home from war trying to put our lives back together but some cannot stand the memories and decide that death is better. We kill ourselves because we are so haunted by seeing children killed and whole families wiped out."

Not long after uploading his post, Barber recorded the following message on his voice mail:

"If you're looking for Doug, I'm checking out of this world. I'll see you on the other side."

Subsequently, he phoned the police, walked out onto his porch, engaged in a short altercation with local law, and blew his own head off with a shotgun.

In 2005, Colonel Westhusing — a direct subordinate to General Petraeus — purportedly committed suicide in similar fashion. Although the event remains of deep dispute, Westhusing supposedly left a message detailing his motives for killing himself. The letter in question reads:

"You are only interested in your career[s] and provide no support to your staff — no [mission] support and you don't care. I cannot support a [mission] that leads to corruption, human right abuses and liars. I am sullied — no more. I didn't volunteer to support corrupt, money grubbing contractors, nor work for commanders only interested in themselves…I came to serve honorably and feel dishonored…I cannot live this way…Death before being dishonored any more…Why serve when you cannot accomplish the mission, when you no longer believe in the cause, when your every effort and breath to succeed meets with lies, lack of support, and selfishness? No more. Reevaluate yourselves, cdrs [commanders]. You are not what you think you are and I know it."

Not all military protest war with such drastic measures. Others elect to speak out — often in public forums — in order to alert the populace of the atrocities being committed.

Such is the case of Hart Viges, former Army mortar man, who had the following to say:

"We were driving in Baghdad one day and found a dead body on the side of the road. We pulled over to secure the area and my friends jumped off and started taking pictures with it, smiling. They asked me if I wanted to join them, and I refused. Not because it was unethical, but because it wasn't my kill. Because you shouldn't make trophies of what you didn't kill. I wasn't upset this man was dead, but just that they shouldn't be taking credit for something they didn't do."

Stationed in Iraq, Scott Ewing conceded:

"During my deployment, I saw far more civilians injured and killed than insurgents. There has been virtually no explicit reporting by the mainstream media of civilian casualties caused by U.S. troops in Iraq. Anytime a suicide bomber kills civilians, it is highly publicized, but my personal experience in Tal Afar has been that the number of Iraqis killed or injured by U.S. forces far outnumber those killed by insurgents or suicide bombers."

Of course, there are those who just refuse to fight. Known as "search and destroy" missions, these maneuvers were common practice in Vietnam. Troops were often sent into contentious regions to detect and demolish hostile forces and evacuate the area promptly afterward. In Iraq, numerous U.S. soldiers refer to these assignments as "search and avoid" duty.

Phil Aliff — with the Tenth Mountain Division — asserted:

"During my stints in Fallujah and in the Abu Ghraib area of western Baghdad between August 2005 and July 2006, we probably ran three hundred patrols. Most of the men in my platoon were just in from combat tours in Afghanistan, and morale was incredibly low. Recurring hits by roadside bombs had demoralized us to such an extent that we decided the only way we could avoid being blown up was to stop driving around all the time. So every other day we would find an open field and park, and call our base every hour to tell them we were searching for weapons caches in the fields and doing weapons patrols and everything was going fine. All our enlisted people had grown disenchanted with our chain of command."

Stationed near Baghdad, infantryman Ronn Cantu stated:

"On my second tour I was going on search-and-avoid missions. The patrols wouldn't go up and down the streets like they were supposed to, they would just go to a friendly compound with the Iraqi police or the Kurdish peshmerga [Kurdish militia] and stay at their compound and drink tea until it was time to go back to the base."

Ask yourself this obvious question: "How do you bomb the shit out of a country, in order to liberate it's people?"

As Audre Lorde declared, "Your silence will not protect you", *********** since the answer is: "You don't."

*********** Audre Lorde:

There's no ethical rationalization concerning what's being done to Afghanistan and Iraq. You might wish to shut the fuck up, or slap a Support the Troops sticker on your car, but what you're really saying is: "I want soldiers to fight, so I can continue to have my comfortable lifestyle."

There's nothing comfortable in a cancer rate heading toward 50% for any demographic, martial law implemented and no feasible method for storing ever-increasing amounts of nuclear waste, etc. If you believe such, you're hallucinating.

Talk of patriotism and dissent are misused. True patriots are those defending humanity. Insurgents are the individuals who've hijacked our species, with intent of enslaving and exterminating us. Hence, the real dissenters are those claiming to be our leaders — entities who lack patriotism to humans and this Universe.

The point is, you can resist. You can refuse to be complicit in the actions of government.

Simply put, you control bureaucracies. When you determine you've had enough, you can stop them whenever you desire.

In the words of famed actor Charlie Chaplin — via the movie The Great Dictator:

"We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each others' happiness, not by each others' misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another.

In this world, there's room for everyone, and the good Earth is rich, and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls; has barricaded the world with hate; has goose stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much, and feel too little.

More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent, and all will be lost.

The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men; cries out for Universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all.

Even now, my voice is reaching millions throughout the world. Millions of despairing men, women and children; victims of a system that makes men torture, and imprison innocent people.

To those who can hear me, I say, 'Do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed; the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people, and so long as men die, liberty will never perish.'

Soldiers, don't give yourselves to brutes; men who despise you, enslave you, who regiment your lives; tell you what to do, what to think or what to feel; who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men; machine men with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate. Only the unloved hate. The unloved and the unnatural.

Soldiers, don't fight for slavery; fight for liberty! […]

You the people have the power; the power to create machines; the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful; to make this life a wonderful adventure. […]

Let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world […] that will give youth the future, and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie. They do not fulfill that promise; they never will.

Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people.

Now, let us fight to fulfill that promise; let us fight to free the world; to do away with national barriers; to do away with greed, and hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason; a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness." ************

************ The Great Dictator:



Jamail, Dahr. (2009). The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. Haymarket Books. ISBN: 1931859882

Mungus, Hugh. (2013). Unraveled 2: When the Fabric of "Reality" Rips to Shreds. CreateSpace. ISBN: 1493522469

Mungus, Hugh. (2013). Unraveled 3: When the Fabric of "Reality" Tears to Pieces. CreateSpace. ISBN: 1494844826

Perkins, John. (2004). Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. ISBN: 576753018

Online Movies:

John Perkins: Zeitgeist Addendum:

Mark Passio: A Message to the Military:

Mark Passio: Cosmic Abandonment:

Mark Passio: Street-Wise Spirituality:


"Welcome to Fantasy Island!"

― the slogan on Earth's tourism brochure

If you've been able to gulp down this much of The Red Pill, by now you should be questioning numerous beliefs you previously accepted as true. What follows are a few more considerations that should pave the path to enlightenment. Because intelligence is presently scattering like hash browns on a Waffle House skillet, contemplate the following.

— One —

Many claim the U.S. is the most wealthy nation ever. They're wrong.

First off, as proven in the Unraveled blog, countries don't exist. They're figments of our imaginations, created by those who wish to control us. What was once claimed to be the property of some Native American tribes is now allegedly land owned by the United States? Prior to these American Indian control freaks, some other bureaucracies did their best to coerce people into believing they owned this portion of the planet. And so on, and so on.

Back in reality, nobody — from the original fuckhead hegemonies, to the present assholes speciously declaring control — own anything on Earth. This Universe is our landlord, and can evict us anytime it pleases. Regimes come, and regimes go. Through them all, the planet has remained constant. Even after humans annihilate themselves with thermonuclear destruction — should this eventually occur — the Earth will be here.

Thus, countries are nothing more than make-believe borders existent solely in our minds. Yes, that means we're all insane.

If you still believe the Earth — a living being — recognizes these false boundaries we call nations, ask yourself if grass in the U.S. miraculously stops growing once it reaches the non-existent confines of Canada. Does wind from Mexico halt, and turn back when it hits the fictitious perimeter of the United States? Do rivers stop flowing between the made-up edge of one nation in Europe and another?

Get wise to the fact you've been brainwashed into accepting an imaginary reality, and start hauling your ass out of this delusional paradigm.

All that proven, the U.S. — being the fictional territory it is — is not the most wealthy of countries. In truth — unbeknown to most — those residing within the illusory borders of this fraudulent region are among the most poor.

Knowledge seems to be the currency of the cosmos. Don't believe us? Take a hundred dollar bill to Mars. Even better, take all the hundred dollar bills on Earth to Mars. Now, take the ability to terraform and colonize that — or any other planet — into space. Which do you think will become more imperative in your travels? Do you seriously believe a five hundred dollar bill will buy you anything in a solar system ten thousand light years away? If so, you're delusional.

That said, how much will the knowledge necessary to exist on faraway planets be worth, when the one upon which you reside, dies?

Thus, money is useless throughout this Universe. The same is true here on Earth. Knowledge is wealth.

Having established this truth, since the non-existent region known as the U.S. is so comprised of money and so depleted of knowledge, most of it's populace haven't an idea what's real. From a cosmic sense, the United States is bankrupt of wealth, and thus broke.

Thanks to mainstream media, it's beaten into our brains that space travel isn't profitable. Here's the last word on that subject: Unless we, as a species, find a way off planet Earth, we're fucked. Some natural event — deemed a catastrophe, from a human standpoint — will eventually occur, and we'll have nowhere to run.

Space exploration not profitable?! Without it, arrogant assholes in the mainstream media will no longer be around when this Universe destroys the planet upon which they're being allowed to live.

— Two —

You hear it all the time: "Thank God for this; thank God for that…"

People need to stop thanking God for their own achievements, and start thanking themselves.

— Three —

Isn't it strange how the oceans on Earth are one body of water, yet humans have divided them up as several? Exactly where does the Atlantic end, and the Pacific begin? Think the sea life in one ocean instinctively turns back once it reaches this imaginary line? How cavalier are we — one of millions of species on Earth — to believe we can designate the end of one ocean and the beginning of another?

— Four —

If you don't believe this paradigm is insane, consider we have a clock that keeps us informed of how close we are to exterminating ourselves with nuclear weapons. Called the Doomsday Clock, and developed in 1947, this allegorical timepiece is an obvious indicator of a sick society. * Don't agree? Then how come we don't have clocks keeping us apprised of how close we are to ending human hunger, or human poverty?

  • Doomsday Clock:

— Five —

Could time be an implement of incarceration created by the powers that be to control the human species? People rush about constantly, putting themselves and others at risk, so they can adhere to this confining concept. Is it possible time solely exists on this planet, and nowhere else in this Universe?

— Six —

"Somebody paid good money for that."

There's no such thing as good money. All money is bad. It keeps our species enslaved.

— Seven —

"I want to thank you for everything you do."

"Great! Everything? Well, we shit. That's one of the things we do. Would you be thanking us for that?"

— Eight —

"At least we're no longer in the Cold War."

Give us a fuckin' break! What follows is the definition of a cold war:

"a continuing state of resentful antagonism between two parties short of open hostility or violence."

Wow! With tens of thousands of nukes on Earth, pointed at everything in sight, able to be launched in seconds, that doesn't sound at all like our current situation. We're deeply embroiled in a cold war, as we speak! Don't kid yourself.

— Nine —

We shout we’re Americans ― thus united ― and then fuck each other out of a promotion. On the anniversary of 9/11, we profess our camaraderie, and the next day sell each other shit we don’t need so we can individually gain.

— Ten —

Doesn't the idea we're all born of sin smack of a lifetime of servitude, having to pay off our debt? Sounds like something a Mafia enforcer would tell a small shop owner. How is an innocent infant — who's never done anything besides breathe, eat, shit and sleep — born into sin?



Mungus, Hugh. (2013). Unraveled 2: When the Fabric of "Reality" Rips to Shreds. CreateSpace. ISBN: 1493522469


"Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us from birth to death, are our owners! Our owners! They have us. They control us! They are our masters! Wake up! They're all about you, all around you!"

― Street Preacher *

  • They Live:

"They're all the same. I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here:

'I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.'

'I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.'

'Hey, wait a minute! There's one guy holdin' up both puppets!'

― Bill Hicks **

** Bill Hicks:

"Now my grandmother was a wonderful person. She taught me how to play the game Monopoly. She understood that the name of the game is to acquire. She would accumulate everything she could, and eventually she became the master of the board. And then she would always say the same thing to me. She'd look at me, and she'd say, 'One day, you'll learn to play the game.'

One summer, I played Monopoly almost every day, all day long. And that summer, I learned to play the game. I came to understand the only way to win is to make a total commitment to acquisition. I came to understand that money and possessions — that's the way that you keep score.

And by the end of that summer, I was more ruthless than my grandmother. I was ready to bend the rules, if I had to, to win that game. And I sat down with her to play that fall. I took everything she had. I watched her give her last dollar, and quit in utter defeat.

And then she had one more thing to teach me. Then she said, 'Now it all goes back in the box. All those houses and hotels. All the railroads and utility companies. All that property, and all that wonderful money. Now it all goes back in the box. None of it was really yours. You got all heated up about it for a while, but it was around a long time before you sat down at the board, and it will be here after you're gone. Players come, players go. Houses and cars, titles and clothes, even your body.'

'Cause the fact is that everything I clutch and consume and hoard is gonna go back in the box, and I'm gonna lose it all.

You have to ask yourself, when you finally get the ultimate promotion, when you've made the ultimate purchase, when you buy the ultimate home, when you have stored up financial security, and climbed the ladder of success to the highest rung you can possibly climb it, and the thrill wears off — and it will wear off — then what?

How far do you have to walk down that road before you see where it leads?

Surely you understand it'll never be enough. So you have to ask yourself the question, 'What matters?' ***

*** John Ortberg: Monopoly:

The sails filled with precious wind the way a gluttonous man's gut does a platter of pudding. Like so many times before, the open ocean awaited the mariners. These men had constructed substantial ships, and were thus able to travel the seas. This had transformed them into gods; deities known as the Great Pirates (G.P.).

While the remainder of humans were land-locked — confined by oceans surrounding them — the G.P. wandered effortlessly over the Earth. Ergo, they understood the planet was round, during an epoch in which most believed it was flat.

The Great Pirates knew that by sailing long enough in one direction, they would return to their original starting point. Consequently, they realized the celestial body on which they lived was spherical.

Possessing such erudition provided the G.P. great advantage over others, as they could travel to far off ports, and return with exotic treasures — for which they commanded exorbitant fees. To the few aware they existed, the Great Pirates were apotheosized. It appeared, to the land-locked, the G.P. were performing miracles every time they'd leave with one cargo, and return with something else of alluring nature.

The Great Pirates were anything but caring and kind. Coveting power, they used their asset to enslave those on land. Whilst voyaging overseas, they assigned leadership of these populaces to an exclusive few they referred to as kings.

These rulers were to keep the masses under control during the Great Pirates' absence. In addition, these sultans were not to speak to the people about the G.P. — who hid behind the scenes, camouflaged from public view. Should emperors reveal the existence of the Great Pirates, they would be killed.

In this way, the G.P. ruled the masses without the proletariat aware of their presence.

So stated R. Buckminster Fuller in his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Do the Great Pirates bear a strong resemblance to those currently controlling humanity? Out of the purview of slumbering masses, insidious individuals manipulate us continuously. These entities have access to commodities and technologies the rest of us don't. They bestow us a trinket here and another there, but these pittances pale in comparison to what they possess, either secretly or overtly.

Don't believe us?

Do you own a thermonuclear weapon?

Who knows what these individuals have access to behind closed doors? At this point, they may be so much more technologically advanced than the public, they're what's referred to as a Breakaway Civilization — a faction of society speedily progressing, unknown to the rest of its constituents. ****

**** Dolan, Richard M.; Zabel, Bryce. (2012). A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. New Page Books. ISBN: 1601632227

If the Breakaway Civilization becomes so much more precocious than the rest of the population, it has the potential to become a separate species from that which it derived. As such, it's possible a certain sect of humanity have secretly advanced so much further than the remainder of us, they no longer are us, but rather something else.

"You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you.

You're wrong. Dead wrong." *****

***** They Live movie poster:

We're imparted cellphones, wireless Internet and amusing computer games. As such, we think we're advanced. We might know how to use this technology — to minimal extent — but can we create it? Could you construct a smartphone from scratch?

Moreover, whilst entertaining ourselves with vacuous apps, praising our fallacious ingenuity, what technology are those behind the scenes employing? It's possible — with how expeditiously industrialization has advanced in the last century — a device 50 years more state-of-the-art than what the public has access to, may appear, in the eyes of an ignorant population, indistinguishable from magic. Ponder how slowly technology advanced from 1000 AD to 1800 AD. Thus, if we were to bring a laptop computer back to society 500 years ago, we'd probably be viewed as a heretic, witch or god.

So, the Great Pirates controlled solely due to a monetary system. When talking money, we mean barter, as well. If you broach the subject of eliminating cash, so many people ignorant of reality will respond with, "You're right. We should return to a form of trade."

This is inaccurate. Bartering and money add up to the same thing: "If you don't possess what I want, I'll deny you this good or service…even if you die as a result."

Again, canceling the monetary system goes back to the fact nobody owns anything. It's eventually all gonna go back in the box, no matter who you are. If we, as a species, understand this, and act upon it, we cease allowing money, and those with it, to control us. No one buys and sells anything because nobody owns anything, and everything is freely, and evenly, available to everyone.

In a system without money, the G.P. — and those who conduct themselves like them — immediately cease retaining power. You've just taken the wind out of the sails of the Great Pirates. You've drained the vital fluid from the body politic, body religion, corporations, and any other specious institutions we've allowed to control us. You've released yourself from slavery — as you always had the key — and your jailor is no more.

Intoxicated with a delusional, psychopathic mindset, those who once controlled you will be forced to conform to this new paradigm — one founded in sustainability, renewable energy, abundance, caring and empathy for all. If your former imprisoners refuse to integrate, they'll stand out like Jason Alexander in a hair metal band. Thus, they'll be ostracized. Anybody who hoards or plunders in a paradigm where everything is free, will be immediately viewed as the sociopaths they are.

Additionally, these individuals will die; not by your hand, but their own, since they've lost their impetus — which is control — for existing. Thus, they'll simply perish if they've nothing left to live for, and refuse to acclimate to this new version of humanity on the planet.

The choice will be theirs to make. Conform to logic and the benefit of everyone, or allow yourself to die. No trial need be held — since that would perpetuate this arrogant and insane system we refer to as man-made "legalities." No shots need be fired to begin this revolution — as doing so maintains the violence and bloodshed these evil entities thrive upon.

Don't believe the powers we've allowed to be flourish as a result of human suffering?

Just watch the mainstream news — a task most detest doing, because it's nothing but class distinctions, famine, poverty, rampage and war.

Currently, akin to the G.P., our captors control via the largest and most pervasive religion known to humans on this planet; i.e. the monetary system. Whether you refer to yourself as atheist, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or otherwise, almost invariably you're adhering to, and preserving, money. Thus, the monetary system is far more all-encompassing a religion than any of the above sacerdotal systems. In size and number of devotees, money overtakes them all.

Hence, even though atheism is a religion — the devout belief there is no God — most professing to be atheists argue they're non-religious. As long as they back a monetary system, they're as religious as it gets.

Huge savings!

Sale of the century!!

No payments for one year!!!

Almost everywhere you go, you see the lies. Still, you pretend not to notice.

They'll act as though they're doing you a favor. However, when you comprehend everything should be free, offering a credit card at 0% APR for the first nine months is a rip off! Charging anybody anything — be it a billion dollars, or one cent — is a scam!

If you realize there should be no price tags at all, you see nothing but corruption every time you enter a retail outlet, grocery store or shopping mall — fees on everything that should be complimentary.

Certain individuals endorse buying as much gold and silver as possible, as it's stressed these metals have real value, whereas money doesn't.

Talk about a joke less humorous than purchasing a blind guy a Big Screen TV!

If you're stranded in the freezing tundra — a thousand miles from civilization — with no means of communication to the remainder of society, what good is 10,000 pounds of gold gonna do you? It would be an albatross around your neck. Best of luck burning it to keep warm, so as to stay alive.

To paraphrase R. Buckminster Fuller, if you find yourself on a sinking ship with a cache of gold, that "precious" metal would be the last thing you'd cling to. If you did grab on to it, you'd sink immediately, and therefore drown. ******

****** Fuller, R. Buckminster. (1983). Grunch of Giants. Design Science Press. ISBN: 9781607027591

It would be fantastic if we could don pairs of Hoffman Lenses — like characters in the movie They Live — in order to see the evil entities among us. Fortunately or unfortunately, we simply have to count on our own intelligence to guide us regarding who to trust, and who to doubt.

Does all this mean our species on this planet is being controlled via an alien force? Absolutely.

Whether you refer to them as psychopaths, sociopaths or reptilians, they're individuals who don't have our best interests in mind.

Are they of otherworldly origin, shape-shifters, or beings that can imitate human form? This remains to be confirmed. That said, as vast as this Universe is, as little as we know about it — and as clearly as these entities despise us — it shouldn't be an explanation dismissed without further investigation.

"We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep. […] [H]uman rights are nonexistent.

They have created a repressive society, and we are their unwitting accomplices. […] We have been lulled into a trance.

They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain. Please understand, they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep; keep us selfish; keep us sedated." *******

******* They Live:



Dolan, Richard M.; Zabel, Bryce. (2012). A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. New Page Books. ISBN: 1601632227

Fuller, R. Buckminster. (1983). Grunch of Giants. Design Science Press. ISBN: 9781607027591

Fuller, R. Buckminster. (1969). Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Pocket Books. ISBN: 0671780468

The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here on Steemit, or via his personal E-mail address: [email protected]