Do you all not see the underlying problems we face in the world today?? It's Government! It's a highly organised group of people plotting ways to increase their power and lessen yours as an individual (they do so, in part, by stealing a good chunk of the money YOU earned)! Do we not all realise throughout this discussion that government isn't there to help advance progress towards good things that help us all, but rather to hinder and stagnate beneficial progress. Did you ever wonder why a person can overdose on heroin, go into the hospital and get treated right away, yet somebody with a tumor found growing inside them is told to wait until it gets larger so as to start "treatments"!? Is that not a tad bit ridiculous that someone who is a burden to the system they had no part in creating (through YOUR money) gets treated immediately, while you, the person helping to pay for the fraudulent system in the first place have to wait months if not years to get help!? I promise you, health care would be a lot better and less expensive if it weren't being paid for by money stolen from the citizens who actually contribute to it. The roads as well, have you ever looked at the proposals governing bodies look through when finding who will perform the necessary roadworks? 9 times out of 10 the company chosen will have a prior relationship with at least one of the people chosen to make the decision in the first place! I personally would much rather put my money towards the things I believe in, rather than letting a group of slimy politicians decide on the best use for MY money! There's one thing everyone needs to remember with regards to governance, we have come along way from rulers such as Monarchies and Communism. But all of these ideas were put forth by the same people who still hold power across the world and all still rely on the Hegelian Dialectic "problem, reaction, solution" premise. Self-governance via the non-aggression principle, property rights and free-market capitalism was something that came to fruition through multiple people learning to work together to accomplish a common goal, not an idea given to us by the ruling elite such as Democracy! Democracy is by no means a great system and certainly not the best we can do, in short, Democracy is the majority ruling over the minority. And as we've seen in the past. Anytime a majority has power over a minority, some of the greatest human rights atrocities have been committed. I could clearly go on to write a book about all of this but will leave it at that for now.
My apologies for not writing it correctly with proper sentence and essay structure! I clearly just went on a tangent! I thoroughly believe that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Steem have the ability to remove the power from those who have too much! And as we watch their values increasing by the day, that's a great sign that the wealthy elite are losing their power and control!