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RE: DMV: A Study in Stupidity

in #government9 years ago

It's all a numbers game. When enough people understand how stupid the game is, and just stop playing it--all at once--the state can't do a damn thing about it. When it's only a few, here come the jackboots! That's why I focus almost entirely on changing more minds. The specific solutions will then take care of themselves.


I agree wholeheartedly. I suppose my "when" in my comment was fairly hypothetical but it just gets harder to tolerate it until that time arrives. Until then we can only do what we can.

I suggest you look up what a SECURITY or SURETY is (legal definition). It has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with paying debts... And as a man, you have the right to the person's security... That's the right that actually protects men and women from slavery...