A thought about decentralized government based on Blockchain technology

in #government8 years ago

This is a tangent that I went off on while having a conversation with a friend of mine. As I wrote it, I thought more and more that it may be a good idea. Who knows.

I am s p in this conversation.

[07-21, 10:46 PM] N K: One philosophical if u guys don't mind me sharing. Governments and world powerful bankers will never let anything they can't control run the market. They have invested trillions, murdered, killed, invades for this shit. Dont see how they will let this sword hang on their head where people take control from them( Federal reserve etc)
[07-21, 10:52 PM] S P: They have been actively trying to block this. Some countries even making it illegal! But it's something so new that they didn't see coming, they didn't have any legal tools in place to use to stop this, and it's decentralized nature makes it impossible to kill off the internet once it's implemented and adopted by enough people from a technical perspective. So now they are racing to implement this technology as fast as possible to find a way to force us onto their Blockchain systems. They I'm sure that they see that they may already be too late. The unexpected explosion of Bitcoins value was another shock! When it was at 200-300 the first time, everyone thought oh, its a bubble and it's gonna burst, and then price will never go over 10$ again... They were wrong.
[07-21, 10:54 PM] S P: But our goal is not only to get rich off this, but to ensure its growing popularity continues, and that this new divergent system continues to grow and become stronger. If i were better off, or had a better job, I'd simply buy btc and other Alt coins, and keep them. As a long term investment in a future that only uses btc and Alt coins. Maybe day trade to build my savings. And try to make every purchase I can with btc instead of Fiat!
[07-21, 10:55 PM] S P: When everyone uses crypto more than Fiat, the world as we know it will end, and a new one will begin. We are fighting for that right now.
[07-21, 10:55 PM] S P: Some of us don't even know it.
[07-21, 10:55 PM] S P: We see profits in USD by trading and mining coin.
[07-21, 10:56 PM] S P: But what we don't see is the higher the numbers go, the more other people who are not involved see it and think about it and look into it, and try it out. That is the true value that we are trying to find in this.
[07-21, 10:58 PM] N K: I don't believe in its invincibility in that sense
[07-21, 10:58 PM] N K: The guys on top are very very powerful
[07-21, 10:59 PM] S P: I want to see a day where we don't look at the value of crypto as a usd number, but as a technical network number.
[07-21, 10:59 PM] N K: The explosition can be seen as a revolution but how it lasts without but gusy is another matter
[07-21, 11:00 PM] N K: Lol
[07-21, 11:00 PM] S P: I agree... But there is power in the knowledge that we may have effected their plans. From a small idea to a design that grew and grew.... We have made the giants bleed!
[07-21, 11:01 PM] N K: Yes but how sustainable is that bleed is the issue
[07-21, 11:04 PM] S P: One day I'm going to wake up, and Bitcoin will be on the news, and the news caster will say today in the financial sector, the Bitcoin block chain network has finally rolled out the newest update that will allow the network to process trillions of transactions per second. Finally allowing near instantaneous transactions of any size anywhere in the world. Also, the cryptocurrency global mining networks have finally reached a combined hashing power of 100 quadrelion peta hashes per second. IBM has stated that with its development of universal Blockchain computing software this will not only strengthen our financial networks but allow countless scientific researchers to use an amount of computational power that would be equal to 1000 of the world's most power quantum super computers of the last decade!
[07-21, 11:05 PM] S P: And no where will usd or euro our pound or yen be mentioned!
[07-21, 11:06 PM] S P: The bleed might not even harm the beast. But it's a sign that we together are not insegnificant. And that we together can fight back. That we together can change the forecast of our future.
[07-21, 11:07 PM] S P: And who knows what future developments will come from this global decentralization of money. Banks don't own us anymore.
[07-21, 11:07 PM] S P: Perhaps global decentralization of governments?
[07-21, 11:09 PM] S P: We will see. Others who understand all this better than us, and see an even bigger picture than I've described may some day see a different way that we can come together and change more of our future, and maybe have global block chain elections. Where every human on earth can vote on things. Cause block chain cannot be faked. You can have someone with many wallet addresses, but then you can register 1 primary wallet per human being, and only accept votes from those.
[07-21, 11:10 PM] S P: Imagine an electoral system where every single indevidual can vote from their phones with a single simple transaction with a specific header, and it cannot be manipulated by anyone.
[07-21, 11:10 PM] S P: The true end of paper ballots, and a voting system that cannot be digitally rigged.
[07-21, 11:10 PM] S P: Where every single person can look at the block chain and count the votes!
[07-21, 11:11 PM] S P: Imagine if we could vote on things like net neutrality like that ml
[07-21, 11:11 PM] S P: Or vote on weather or not to go to war.
[07-21, 11:11 PM] S P: Wow..... What an idea that is....
[07-21, 11:12 PM] S P: That could be a true democracy. No more electing representatives.... But we represent ourselves. We follow the issues, and vote ourselves.
[07-21, 11:13 PM] N K: Utopian idea bra
[07-21, 11:13 PM] S P: It's not simply an idea though, we have the technology right now.... We are already using it.
[07-21, 11:14 PM] S P: The block chain is all that's needed. And it's already here in so many usable forms!
[07-21, 11:15 PM] S P: Think about it! To vote, we all send 0.000001btc to a vote wallet, and with the title or header or message saying exactly what we vote for. Highest number of votes wins.
[07-21, 11:17 PM] S P: Could even make it simple. Have a site with the options, which ever one you click auto opens a window with all the info you need, and then a default value of 0.000001btc, but you can donate more if you'd like. Win or loose Gove gets donation. And we use that instead of taxes cause we no longer need to pay representatives or maintain huge parliament buildings.
[07-21, 11:20 PM] S P: Have we evolved technologically beyond government by representation? Is the next global shift going to be from governance by representation to decentralized government?
[07-21, 11:20 PM] S P: Blockchain has taken the financial control away from central world banks....
[07-21, 11:20 PM] S P: And put it squarely in our hands.
[07-21, 11:21 PM] S P: Maybe the next big shift is us using the same technology to govern ourselves.
[07-21, 11:22 PM] S P: Governmence by representation was needed cause the world is big and its impossible to have everyone in 1 place to make decisions. But today the world is small, the internet can share the same information to everyone in the world instantly. And the world can then instantly vote. Why do we need a representative deciding what's best for us?
[07-21, 11:23 PM] S P: Wow..... I think I've just seen the future.....

Excuse the bad grammar, and silly idealism. The concept struck me as something that merits some consideration.

What do you think?