Origin of "government" according to Mancur Olson

in #governmentlast month

According to Mancur Olson, origin of "government" is roving bandit becoming stationary bandit, settling on a certain territory to rob continuously.

In this theory, the State is equated with a "stationary bandit" ("stationary bandit") who decides to settle in a specific territory, to unilaterally control it and to generate income from the population (carry out robberies) in the long term. This distinguishes him from "roving bandits" or "itinerant bandits" ("roving bandits"), whose aim is to extract maximum benefit in the short term. The robberies carried out by the "stationary bandit" take the form of regular taxation, and a rational "stationary bandit" sets such a level of taxation that leaves a portion of resources for the population to use for accumulation, investment, and subsequent increases in production and therefore profit that is taxed by the "stationary bandit." Furthermore, the "stationary bandit" stimulates economic activity and is interested in the economic development of the territory.

#MancurOlson #TaxationIsRobbery #TaxationIsTheft #Taxation #government #PoliticalTheory

Mancur Olson