The biggest problem I see about giving money away to other Countries is because "we" have to "borrow" it into existence, then pay interest on it until "we" pay it back... Do you see the problem we face with that...???
The biggest problem I see about giving money away to other Countries is because "we" have to "borrow" it into existence, then pay interest on it until "we" pay it back... Do you see the problem we face with that...???
Can you imagine how strong this economy would be if our government would spend only what it brought in in taxes. The cofidence in our business and foreign investors would go through the roof. When there is a gigh degree of confidence money velocity increases and businesses grow.
Believe it or not, most of our tax dollars briefly pass from our Governments Hands to the hands of those who own the Federal Reserve Banking System...The rest of our Governments spending money is brought about by new loans... If we printed our own Debt and Interest free Money, Trump really could Make America Great Again...