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RE: A few thoughts on the local council funding crisis!

I think the hotels for immigrants comes under housing! It is just a bit silly especially when it's down to processing - just get on with it and then either send them back or let them stay and pay for their own housing!

It's a though one with pensioners... life isn't any easier financially for the working age - but personally I'd rather fuck them a little bit now otherwise I'll be getting fucked harder in 15 years! And if my pensions still protected in 15 years anyone under 40 now probably won't have a pension!


Never mind sending them back never gonna happen with all these bed wetters about and the fucktards in the house of lords putting pathetic barriers in the way. THAT is another thing that is wrong with this outdated uk system of politics.

I guess it is hard for the oap's who were around before the advent of private pensions etc. More fool anyone who this day and age who doesn't take expert financial advice to manage their money. The number of minnions I have seen on the shop floor over the years who just want to piss their wages up the wall on a weekend, they have only themselves to blame for their lack of foresight.