Gov't Loses $21 Trillion & The Media is Silent!

in #government7 years ago

Shock Report Reveals Pentagon & HUD ‘Lost’ $21 TRILLION—Enough to Pay Back Nat’l Debt

Washington, D.C. – A new report analyzing the budgets of both the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), found that between 1998 and 2015, these two departments alone lost over $21 trillion in taxpayer funds.

The shocking report was authored by Dr. Mark Skidmore, a professor of economics at Michigan State University, and Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of housing. It notes that the missing funds are a direct result of “unsupported journal voucher adjustments” made to the departments’ budgets.

Video By: The Free Thought ProjectFull Story:

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why did you think we never audited the pentagon?

People really need to ask questions

I’m about 90% convinced human society has been controlled by the most violent mafia as long as we have been around.

Think of who would of initially amassed the most power when there were no laws. The most intelligent & ruthless would have gained control. Now repeatedly breed the most ruthless families over many many generations combined with ridiculous wealth & privilege & here we are.

21 trillion is a drop in the bucket compared to the actual number of mafia dues we have paid in our lifetimes alone.

The media was bought & paid for long ago, with news being sourced straight from alphabet intelligence agencies. The news we get from them is more about instigating & controlling behavior than it is about real information.

"lost"... really?? I don't buy it. For that matter I don't buy anything the government says as their track record of authenticity is dismal.

Followed, Upvoted, and resteemed!

$21 trillion is hell to much for the media to be silent about.
Maybe they dont have the full details about the loss i guess

They now have great pensions and lifestyles because of it...hence the silence

we are little fishes with our 500billion market cap ^^

The US military budget is around 0.5 trillion a year right? How can they lose 42 times that amount in 17 years???

Who would have thought that the "can't be accounted for" 2.3 trillion announced by Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11, was just the tip of the iceberg. And the response from the mainstream media is the usual "Nothing to see here" and "oh look, the Kardassians have a new dog".

I wonder where this money really was spent ? (not so) Secret funding of terrorist groups used for regime change ? Overspending on contractors that then pump more money back into bought and paid for politicians ? More coke, golf lessons and rehab for George W ?? Or maybe it was all used to settle all Clinton's outstanding rape and sexual misconduct claims. Oh oh.. perhaps a trillion just to buy drones and a Nobel peace prize for Obama ??

Who else has some good ideas of where it went ??