Hello before describing who I am, I want to give you a warm greeting and thank you for taking your time to read my publication.
Well, my name is Samuel Ernesto Flores Contreras and I'm from Venezuela. I'm 25 years old. I like to eat, draw, listen to music and share with people.
My interest in being part of this Steemit family is to be able to show you something of my creative ingenuity and, to be honest, I would like to receive your opinions in my publications.
My beginning most know that starting with an idea requires a maximum effort of yourself. And the great help is to receive those opinions that put you on the road to do it well. As my grandmother says, it is better to make firewood from the fallen tree than to sit without doing anything.!
I hope to show you the beginning of my dream and that you can appreciate everything.
Most of the topics to develop in me is that I like animations or cartoons and my little dream is to do an animation studio to build cartoons for all ages, as well as for children, teenagers and adults @norebo.
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allnatural (-13)(1) 7 years ago
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