Week 11 Response -- Quality of Healthcare

in #gradnium3 years ago

DoctorsThis post is a response to the question ["If the healthcare system were to be restructured to be cheaper for Americans, do you think the quality of healthcare would decrease? Why or why not?"] (https://ecency.com/gradnium/@atamme/week-11-questions-how-can) posed by @atamme. The issue with universal or free healthcare (in my opinion) is that I feel it can lead to a decrease in pay for healthcare workers and also cause the government to sort of have control over the healthcare system. It is a hard dilemma, because although I do agree and understand that healthcare should be provided to support everyone and healthcare can be expensive, I also think that healthcare workers deserve their pay and also deserve the freedom they earn. I don't think that all healthcare workers should be under the government because that can lead to a ton of issues, such as a decrease in the amount of people willing to become healthcare workers. These workers deserve to have the individual freedom to choose who the want to work for and even possibly start their own practice if they wanted instead of having to work for the government. Personally, I am taking the long haul of schooling and working in order to go to medical school and become a doctor, I feel that the work and dedication required to go through this process deserves the higher pay grade. This also brings up the issue of school and tuition and other debts. If we were to lower the pay of healthcare workers in order to lower the cost of healthcare, there would be less motivation to pursue these kind of careers. The cost of school and loans and also the time cost would outweigh the benefits in the end. I do feel, however, that there most likely could be a happy medium to try and make healthcare more affordable for everyone without cutting too far into the pay of healthcare workers.