This post is a response to the question ["Do you believe that poverty is just a fact of life and that nothing should be done to assist sick and starving third world countries?"] posed by @julie.blank14. Coming from a Christian household and school system, I was raised reading the Bible and soon grew up to follow the ideologies and beliefs I was grown up instilled with. The Bible talks very frequently about poverty, and one of the main points found regarding the topic is to always support and help those in need. I do feel, however, that poverty is an evil that the world has pretty much struggled with and will continue to struggle with, however I do feel that there is something to be done to help alleviate it and maybe not make poverty so common and so hard. I think that one of the craziest things about this huge issue of poverty in modern society is that there are many individuals and large corporations that have more money than any of us could ever imagine, and yet there are still so many people homeless and struggling to survive. One of my favorite quotes from the Bible mentions how "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God". This verse really opens eyes when we discuss poverty, as I think many of these people who have so much and give so little should really re-evaluate what they are doing and instead try to help and give to those in need. I do also feel that it is not just the job of the rich and wealthy, I think that all people should try their best to support those in need and give their all to others. I think that third world countries should be supported, because after all we are all human. I think that with so many countries that are doing so well and are so wealthy poverty should not be as big of an issue as it is currently.
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