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What I Initially Thought About Artificial Intelligence
The first thought that used to come into my mind when I would hear "Artificial Intelligence" was fear. I used to think Artificial Intelligence was all so scary. It was scary because robots would become like humans and would try to take over the world. Also because of fear of the unknown. We don't know what artificial intelligence will actually bring about. Lastly because of the major effect it will have on civilization. I was worried that as artificial intelligence advances we would lose jobs and the entire population would become unmotivated to do their own work.
Learning What Artificial Intelligence Actually Is
Upon some research and thought I learned more about Artificial Intelligence, and this is what I found and posted perviously. "Artificial intelligence is a domain in which uses computers and datasets for complex problem solving (IBM Cloud Education). From movies, artificial intelligence takes on the form of human-like robots. One main example from a movie that comes to my mind is Jarvis from Iron Man, which is the computer system that runs Iron Man's suit. In actuality, artificial intelligence takes on many other forms. These include self-driving cars, different methods of financial or media monitoring, and many more tools that improve life problems."
Reflecting On What Dr. Jay Richards
In Dr. Jay Richards talk "Will Smart Machines Take Our Jobs" he covered many of my initial, un-investigated worries. Dr. Richards started off initially talking about my worries and why they may make sense, but continued to provide reasoning why these worries are not realistic. My worry about artificial intelligence advancement taking away jobs fell under the "lump of labor myth" which Dr. Richard claims untrue. The myth is that there is a fixed amount of work to be done (Richard). Dr. Richard goes on to say that work is never fixed. Following this myth, that means that there would be no work left to do, but I realized how unrealistic this is. There always seems to be something that needs to be done after the completion of one task. Dr. Richard talks about the opportunity for societal job growth with the countless industries created as other ones fall. If we create a robot that can do all our current tasks, in the future we continue will have new tasks arise that we do not have a robot for yet, and so the cycle continues. Another point Dr. Richard Brings Up is that if we were to be completely replaced by artificial intelligence, we would need to be worthless or completely inefficient compared to robots. However, being human, we are not worth less than a robot that can do some of the same tasks we can. After Dr. Richards talk, most of my concerns about artificial intelligence have been lessened and I see how advances in artificial intelligence can bring about more good than bad.
Works Cited
IBM Cloud Education. “What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?” IBM, 3 June 2020, https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/what-is-artificial-intelligence.
Richards, Jay. "Will Smart Machines Take Our Jobs." October, 2021.
In my view, humans will always have a valuable place in society as will AI. They can co-exist alongside each other and whilst AI may take over the functionality of some jobs, it will pave the way for others not yet in existence. I personally have no fear of AI myself. I find it to be an incredibly exciting field and this era, a wonderful time to be alive to experience all the advances being made by humankind. Of course, there are a lot of things (non-AI-related) that humans are not doing very well at the moment, but my hopes are that this will change in time, and before irreparable damage is done.